Dolan wrong as usual. |
Finally the truth was revealed when a slide of the image was examined and “A member of The Roswell Slides Research Team used a newly acquired source image of the placard seen in front of the body. By manipulating the commercial software, SmartDeblur, he managed to significantly clear up the blurred text.” The sign in front of the “Roswell alien” reads: “Mummified Body of Two Year Old Boy.” hoaxers give the money back? |
It is followed by a mostly-legible short description of the piece and concludes, as many museum signs do, with an acknowledgement stating that it was loaned by a man in San Francisco.
An identical photo was later found with the complete information: “Mummified Body of Two Year Old Boy. At the time of burial the body was clothed in a slip-over cotton shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of three small cotton blankets. Loaned by Mr. S. L. Palmer, San Francisco, California.”