The UFO-ET-Conspiracy profiteers present the skeptics or
those with different conceptions of the UFO phenomenon as individuals with dark
agendas, psy-ops and disinformers. This attitude justifies some ethical
considerations about Ufology.
The purpose of the UFO
industry like any other business is to SELL, am I right?
However some basic laws of commercial ethics rule that to
sell something through lies is dishonest and even fraudulent.
If you advertise some aromatic water as a miraculous stain
remover, you are a swindler and a crook.
There are of course many snake oil sellers, charlatans and “spiritual”
healers. When money is involved, dishonesty and deception are obvious.
If an individual write books presenting fiction as fact,
charlatans as reliable sources, proved hoaxes as real events, because she/he
knows that all these factoids will sell more books. If the UFO profiteer remains
silent about alternative perspectives and facts, he is dishonest.
If he doesn’t inform to his potential reader that 95 to 96
percent of UFO sightings are identified as natural phenomena or man made
artifacts, he is a liar. She or he is NOT telling the truth.
That’s why the UFO subculture is a trivial, infantile and dehumanized
world. The backstabbing, the egos and the liars, the mass of insane nonsense,
the “public figures” have often made a virtual laughing stock of anyone who
innocently tries to tell the truth.
These words are
about ETHICS. If you agree, SHARE and tell the truth about those who make a
living selling lies, stupidities and paranoia.