Some unreliable source told me that Dr. Michael Salla and
his wife Angelika were divorced. I WAS WRONG...
This was my
original message in facebook
It's true that Angelika divorced Michael?. They were into a
good business together, reading dolphins messages for the public and teaching
galactic diplomacy..!
This was Michael’s
It is a shame you have to make things up to get attention
James Black. Angelika and I are still happily married and working to raise
consciousness on a planetary level.
As Soon as
possible I apologized.
I am so sorry Michael. Someone told me about your divorce
and since the "source" is also a self-proclaimed exopolitician...I am
truly happy learn that you both remain happily married. Please give my regards
to your lovely wife and to Braco, the Croatian healer. He must be also working
to rise consciousness on a planetary level. We are so primitive..! Such a waste
of time studying Medicine when Braco can heal his patients just watching them..!