Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Enjoy and have a very happy Good Year.

Enjoy and have a very happy Good Year.
Earth belong to Humans.
Aliens are not aliens at all. They come from the future. They are members of the Terra Draconian Colonies Army.
The abductions are just some genetic adjustments against rebels and "subversive elements "and also to help the colonial sub-race to look similar to the citizens of the Empire. make all this look like just a joke, I include the Absurdist Manifesto. Enjoy.
If doubts, just send your e-mails to

Of course, is not necessary to say that there will be no DISCLOSURE the next year of the next Century.
A few humans will keep some memories, IF THEY ARE NOT GENETICALLY MANIPULATED. (Abductions)
Best thing is to learn to empty our mind or repeat a silly song, like "Mary has a little Lamb"
This will help, Andrew, Jay and Blue will understand.

Happy New Year to all...yes, I know that it,s just a cliché.
After all, Darwin was right, those with enough adaptability survive. (also those who do not destroy their own race.) For a Rep, NOTHING IN THE UNIVERSE Is better than another Rep.
(they have-will have a magnificent Genetic Center in the Everglades, Florida.)

Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'intrate.

Dante Alighieri, L´Inferno. Canto III Divina Commedia.

Absurdist Manifesto


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My comment on Salla's Examiner Article

Salla Examiner

This "article" of Salla, who introduces the new word "liasing", is a show of what is coming the next year in disinformation and devaluation of the UFO Enigma.
With only a couple of references to "anonymous sources", Salla just writes lies, absurdities, class c science fiction, you name it.
Why? Just because there is NOTHING MORE TO SAY.
Salla, after committing academic suicide,ten years ago, is reduced to this "liasing".
After all, the other EXO, Dr.Greer talks about secret meetings with President Obama, and promises a pink arrival of the "aliens" next year. (How nice...we miss Walt Disney.)
Pathetic indeed, and not different from what we were told
in the last sixty years by Exogurus, charlatans and hoaxers. December 29, 10:56 AM


Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] nasa pix of crashed ufo on mercury

Thanks Andrew for this pix.



Friday, December 25, 2009

New ideas about Exos. Fighting.

Apparently, some of the Exos and neo-gurus are right, and others are wrong. That is the scenario of their fights and accusations, but there is a problem: nobody in the exo-circus is telling the truth. All of them are talking fiction, and have no evidences to show about who is right and who is wrong.
Because of this, each exo condemns  the others as Cabals, Conspirators and psyops.

They cannot sit an enjoy a discussion because what they say is unbelievable.  Who is right and who is wrong ? Who can show any evidence of Truth?
The only thing they do is to appeal to the faith of their followers. " Please, believe me and not the others, because I am right and they are wrong, because they are Evil and I am the Light."

Something more: I think that the Circus rhetoric loose effectiveness after a period of time.
People looses enthusiasm after a fiction is repeated again and again.
Because of this, the Exos must create new fictions or recreate the old ones.
The "believers" become tired and look for "something else in the web"
Conversions happen sometimes, or simply boredom.
Boylan can say again that the altimarians are solving Earth problems but...of course nothing happens. Salla can repeat day after day that there will be "disclosure" but after sometime, the thing doesn't work any more, and the exos must find something else to show in the Circus. Perhaps a Healer, of a South American visitor of subterranean cities under the Titicaca Lake, or distant planets ...

Greer perhaps must stop inviting alien ships to his living room and try some mantra meditation or even some muscle building.
Webre will find a new contactee, a new face for the same circus number.

We will never find if Little Red Riding-hood is truer than the Sleeping Beauty, because both are just FICTION, but of course, much more better fiction than the absurdities  of the Exos.



The common denominator between these people would be mysticism, use of dishonest non-sequiturs, and remnants of the bi-cameral mind (people seeking external authorities)  A lack of noblesse oblige and Occam's Razor are also an identifying trait.  Notate bene that they taking advantage of other peoples internal mysticism's and exacerbate and take advantage of the dumbing down.  Where has the value for intellectual rigor gone? 

Dishonesty, envy, and parasitical behavior are the raison d'etre for the hoaxers.

Jay Moody

  http://www.ufowatch html

Boylan appears on page 1, Meier and Greer appear on page 3. Many other self appointed gurus & new agers are listed. Fun read.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

THE FUTURE OF UFOLOGY IN THE UK & Elsewhere by Andrew Hennessey

Andrew Hennessey

Here are my predictions for UFOLOGY in the UK and elsewhere
I predict that the whole deal goes from somewhere to unwhere.
I give it 3-5 years with no interruption from either planet X or 2012 movies.

1. Less presentation of empirical UFO evidence
2. No presentation of Negative ET paradigm
3. de-emphasis of UFO witness reports
4. de-emphasis of alleged ET technological breakthroughs
5. de-emphasis of ET social intervention ideologies
6. recycling of old 30 year old whistleblower pastiches
7. Increase in Ghost and Paranormal emphasis/orbs
8. Increase in feel-good well-being & reality creation presentations
9. Increase in human blame for non-disclosure [cf. Green issues]
10. Increase in Eastern Mysticism in Contact interpretation
11. Increase in non-human consciousness paradigms from the natural world
12. ET and human church of natural electricity
13. Increase in post human visions of virtual reality
14. Increase in channelled contacts onstage
15. Increase in highly qualified Exo charades; groups, events, etc
16. Increase in contradictory Exopolitical proclamations
17. Increasing introduction of United Nations sub groups into UFOLOGY of a global and environmental nature.
18. No Disclosure
19. the ridicule of the rational and empirical mindset.
20. UFOLOGY becomes magical realism and omnipotence of thought



Monday, December 21, 2009

On Boylans Star Kid program-Jay Moody

On Boylans Star Kid program-Jay Moody


Note:  The word "Mystical" in this article is the Ayn Rand definition as show here:


"What is mysticism?  Mysticism is the acceptance of allegations without evidence or proof, either apart from or against the evidence of one's senses and one's reason.  Mysticism is the claim to some non-sensory, non-rational, non-definable, non-identifiable means of knowledge, such as 'instinct,' 'intuition,' 'revelation,' or any form of 'just knowing.'"
- From "Faith and Force: The Destroyers of the Modern World"




Boylan is quite a polemical figure in that he engages in that he promotes dubious theories that lack a basis in objective reality.  He perhaps sincerely believes what he teaches as he shows strong delusional and messiah-complex tendencies.  He also promulgates ideas against what are known as the "Cabal" thus his writings have anti-capitalistic connotations.  His psychology license was revoked since his impropriety with clients was unethical.


 Should someone with these mal vu tendencies be working with children?  Teaching them telepathy and whatnot?  And creating artificial man-made divisions such as Star-seed and "regular" person (and haven't the kids learned enough about man-made divisions from Church?)  How would this effect their development when they go off to school?  Perhaps they will have a warped view on the Great Gatsby, Candid, This Side of Paradise, Brideshead Revisited, etc, thus adversely affecting their grades in reading class.  What about their mathematical abilities?  How disappointed will they be when the school they attend will not have an ESP based elective?  How will they handle the stress of after-school sports?  What if they do some star-kid activity at their schools chapel?  The star-seeds would be at very high risk to accumulate demerits.


  While normal children will get demerits in secondary school for things like goofing off in chapel (they will learn real fast that such behaviors are not tolerated.  In Catcher in the Rye, as we are all familiar with, a student was even expelled for letting out his bodily gas at chapel) the star-seeds will be at high risk for expulsion, since Boylan himself promulgates outré theories as if they are irrefutable fact and promotes insanities.  If these children grow up thinking of ESP as established fact they will approach academic problems from that mystical lens, thus escaping from objective inquiry.  Although philosophy class with it is deductive, inductive, and syllogistic reasoning should help dilute the mystical influences. 


  While chapel itself contains illusoire notions Boylan's teachings will nonetheless encourage their inappropriate behavior.  Yet, where does Boylans madness come from?  According to Dr.Julian Jaynes of Princeton University, man was once in a non-introspective state incapable of subjective decision making, self-reflection, or contemplating.  As society became more complex the God's/God would stop talking to them, the writings from Biblical times suggest that the authors of the old testament (and the text they "borrowed" from Assyria, Mesopotamia, and Egypt) were bi-cameral as their writings lacked introspective consciousness.  They were at the mercy of nature and listened to their automatic, nature given guidance system.  Humanity relied on the guidance of external authorities.  Then society became ever-so complex, the God's/God suddenly stopped talking to them.  Man suddenly had to rely solely on himself as he became responsible for his own actions.  Remnants of the bi-cameral mind exist within us in the form of various mysticisms such as prayer, tarot cards, pilgrimages, etc.  While bi-cameral minds are in the vast minority in the modern age there are still, nonetheless those that show a strong bi-cameral tendency in that many hallucinate and/or are schizophrenic.


 Indeed, such mystics are the bete noir of the contemporary age with its mal vu tendencies of statism, communism, religion, and the supernatural.  This strongly relates to Boylan as he has strong bi-cameral tendencies in that he hears the voices of what are known as "Altimarians" he sincerely believes he is serving the common good by teaching about the "Cabal" which the "Altimarians" (in actuality the right side of his own brain relaying information to his left) allegedly warn against.  One can see the influence of the Post-Modernist movement on Boylan in that he benefits from the nonsensical "Reality is an illusion" as he can take advantage of it.  Boylan is against Capitalism due to its competitive, free market nature, capitalism, contrary to what Boylan teaches, creates maximum benefits to society while simultaneously permitting maximum individual growth.  In other words, the children he teaches will eventually view the world's greatest contribution in a negative light.  Such is a consequence of lowest common denominator egalitarianism with the rise of mystical imbécillités such as young Earth creationism, end-time ministries, Jesus camps that teach children about literal "Demons" and a literal "Hell" (this is a form of child abuse) and Boylans extraterrestrial and pseudo-scientific notions are not much different.


  Boylans intransigent stance on his pseudo-scientific and mystical influences suggest a false sense of confidence in his alleged "Knowledge" as he literally hears the Altimaritans in his head in spite of the evidence as found within the sphere of objective reality and inquiry.  Occams Razor is also glaringly absent from his writings.  Perhaps a traumatic event happened in his own childhood?  Maybe a bi-cameral reversion was the result?  His savior complex makes him set himself up as an authority to other people.  This would be inappropriate for children as their parents are suppose to be their authority figures, not actors, "musicians", or anyone else for that matter apart from relatives and those that society trust.  Boylan probably is sincere teaching children ESP skills to fight the tout le monde cabal, but causes far more harm than good by disconnecting his students from objective reality and relying on their ignorance of Occams Razor. 


In summery we can say that a cure can be found in that we must reverse the dumbing down and it is lowest common denominator egalitarianism.  Change however starts with ourselves.  It starts with motivating those to obtain an education, to teach their children proper modes of behavior and how to behave, and to differentiate between reality and fantasy.  The Earth is not 6,000 years old and there are no Altimarians.  That Genome scientist have indeed found homologous traits with chimpanzees according to the solid homological theory. 




Saturday, December 19, 2009

Webre's logical fallacy.

Webre here uses the logical fallacy called Argumentum ad Verecundiam , that is the Appeal to Misleading Authority.
The fact that this contactee was the friend of a Nobel Price, doesn't give any special credibility to his presumed "contacts with extraterrestrials".
Of course, we already know the Exopolitical methods.
Unreliability is a must for the "disinformation show".

He writes
Anthony Kane, a black American relative of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, participates in a special 1 hour
and 45 minute interview (See below) describing in detail the history of his
contacts starting in 2002 in the Seattle, WA area with an apparent
multi-dimensional civilization.




The youtube link below shows David Icke with a dark perspective and actually serving the reptilian masters. He may not know its an evil thing to say that evil only exists in the mind of the beholder because he has not fully reflected on the consequences for the victims of alien and reptilian horrors ... but he is actually creating an apologist doctrine for the Reptilians and the Greys - apologism for places like Auschwitz and Darfur - putting the blame on the victims ... he is saying here that its all our fault if something bad happens to us ... like breathing chemtrails .. because we are saying to ourselves and our Overlords that we want bad things to happen to us.

I thought he was dark because he never ever mentioned the real way that the reptilians see each other - not through codewords and signals - but by staring straight through the holograms and making telepathic conversation.

He is a great example of his own problem-reaction-solution philosophy ..

1. problem through massive internet conspiracy overload of enormous global evil
2. reaction through popular recognition and outrage
3. solution if we close our eyes and think nice thoughts it will leave us alone and it only exists if we don't ignore it.

I have some criticism of reality-creation - I have heard it used to dismiss those brutalised by aliens. nightmares beyond human control

With the Auschwitz sign just stolen and Darfur and other global evils not mentioned on the alleged global news .. working with David Icke has not set the people of Darfur free nor indeed has it honoured the massacred of Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler or the abandoned of Zimbabwi or Ethiopia.
I wonder what big reality carpet that tragic sign got swept under whilst we were sleeping.

this reality creation BS totally confirms for me that david icke is doing evil - there's nothing wrong with loving pacifism - but our salvation is in spite of there being evil - the idea that we as some sort of harry potter can bungle our way out an alien matrix denies our Holy Family the opportunity to lift us cleanly out.
there is evil David ... why not take some of your reality creation vids to Darfur ? they could do with some weatherproof building materials.

Thing is that David Icke started out so well ... but if we remember that he was taking on a whole world of holographic shapeshifters and impersonators - maybe the question has to be asked - who or what Now Is David Icke ?
If he now is either an impersonation by either a Reptilian shapeshifter or a technologically projected 3D doppelganger or hologram used by the Greys - he could now serve as a dark shepherd leading the flock into emptiness. There are stories of replaced people being caught out - like the Robert France case described by David Moncoeur - this is a story of what happens when its done by the Greys but as we know - the average Reptilian has definitely got the natural power to do such a thing to any human whose provenance could be used as a soul harvesting asset. Only the Saints and Angels inspired by the Holy Spirit and led by Christ have the real power to lift us out of these worldly and often artificial alien delusions. We do have a prayer.

this though is Icke in my opinion on the darkside





Thursday, December 17, 2009

Disclosure: A Game of two?

Many things are wrong with the Exopolitical-Disclosure rhetoric, and Hennessey papers are a must top read, but there is something more:
The Disclosure game is presented as a game of two, the Exopolitical Circus AND on the other side, the Authorities. (Governments, etc)
This would be very nice to write about, and as Jay said, it is going on without any "surprise" for the last 60 years or more.
The problem comes when we see that the "aliens", the Non-Human Entities, are the substance of the game, but are out of this same game.

The inevitable logical question is this: What the "aliens" think about the Closure-Disclosure game?

See this: IF the Exos tell us that they do not know what is the Non-Humans position concerning this, THEN they have no idea about what the aliens are and want.
The alternative:
IF the Exos know the opinion of the aliens about disclosure, THEN the exos must DISCLOSE this.
The Exos, Cosmic Gurus, Sauna boys, muscle building contactees, and Hawaiian late day hippies must tell us what the aliens say about Disclosure.
In fact, the whole Disclosure Rhetoric is non-sense, and worst, the EXO doctors, lawyers councilors of earth and exotourists MUST know perfectly well the absurdity of the whole disclosure thing.
But IF they know as professionals and intelligent men and women, that their disclosure game is nonsense and absurdity, THEN they have a very dark agenda sustained by lies, trivia and non-events.

James Black



THE WORSHIP OF THE UNHUMAN the new ExoReligion Andrew Hennessey

the new ExoReligion
Andrew Hennessey

In analysing the strategy of Exopolitics as a movement it had been seen to be a whirlwind romance with the public by a circus geared at alleged Disclosure and conducted by teams of rational highly educated people who appeared to be working for the greater public good.
Then suddenly things went into freewheel and no longer welcome were people complaining of bad or evil behaviour from negative non-humans.

I was literally followed between net groups by some vindictive individual telling me and everybody else that I was lying about negative Ets, and that all aliens were good and he was backed up by a small army of adepts who proclaimed that only negative people had bad things happen to them and they got what they deserved because of that.
Which actually does in a perverted way confirm that they believed there were negative aliens doing bad things – its just that the people that mattered didn't get harmed.

No, the chosen [and you would know them by their fruits] were the next generation of young people – the incoming root race – the special starseeds, the hybrids, the diamonds or indigos or violets or whatever and it doesn't matter that some people are being brutally dehumanised [Schroeder P] or sadistically injured by frankly demonic thugs.

But how dare we demonize the demons – they just do what they do and as long as they aint doing it to us then we're special etc.
So having also checked with Amnesty International in London I found out that human victims of alien human rights abuse have no credence with them .. I decided to stop legitimising the Exopolitical movement by lending it the benefit of the doubt and my credibility.

Watchers of the ideologies of the New World Order have long known about the Gaia hypothesis and been suspicious of unwarranted eugenics white papers issued even by my childhood hero the marine biologist Jacques Cousteau – who doesn't say nice things about people like me to the United Nations. Indeed he's somewhat not unique in that respect – or, disrespect.

The global mother religion that emerges out of the Gnostic, illuminati and Theosophical teachings has a somewhat elitist, eugenics edge to it, but at its heart for it to tie in the Extra Terrestrial with the Terrestrial it has to be essentially a religion which de-prioritises the unique in the human condition to level it on a parity with a goldfish, hive drone or squid.

There are indications from the activities of Dr Salla in exotic Hawaii that progress is being made in developing exopolitical high Intelligence non-human channelling and communication with Dolphins and Cetaceans.
Don't get me wrong – there are wonderful tales of tribes of dolphins intelligently saving human swimmers and towing them etc and it's a source of total dismay to me that one of the most beautiful species on this planet, the whales are regularly slaughtered by whalers.

The need to worship non-human form or indeed unhuman formlessness emerges out of the elitist debate that we lesser humans got it wrong and need to get our minds right and could learn better lessons from the natural world. [Though its been on natural history programmes that tribes of dolphins also kill other dolphins not of their tribe.]

This raft of ideas that emerge from the maltreatment of innocent and intelligent non-human life tends not to point the fingers of blame at Icelandic or Japanese marine industrialists but the average man on the street – currently struggling with artificial plagues and plagued by bogus untested cures for them.

The culture of blaming humanity for the wars and the pollution is an elitist and frankly inaccurate and dishonest activity – and although Sean Connery states in a recent green bank advert for Agricole – `its time for common sense' that new sensibility doesn't incorporate the liberating new paradigm of free energy. To regreen our world – the useless eaters have to go – goes the rhetoric.
Forget that to withhold free energy from us is to deliberately withhold paradise.
It becomes obvious that green tax issues are an elitist socio-economic and ultimately anti-human conspiracy after the English university leaks that sparked climategate – the scientific conspiracy to suppress the damning data that contradicted the need for such debt-inducing and severe green taxes.

The other obvious issue of making the world human free and green doesn't actually account for the elitist suppression of easy to produce free energy technologies. The latter have a tendency to get closed down.
The Gaia emergency allegedly caused by human activity could easily be repaired by human activity given the free energy that would be able to do so. Free water and air filtration, free disposal and processing of pollution, offworld agriculture and hydroponics etc etc and a total end to the era of internal combustion technology on Earth.
Where is that humanity's fault ?? as what after all is at the top of the pyramid with their all-seeing eyes fails to be human and is happy to say so with its horned hand salutes under all flags and banners.

From e.g. Faraday, 1890. Tesla, 1910, Townsend Brown, 1938, De Palma, 1992, Searle, 1999, Latham, 2009 etc etc a veritable parade of heroic striving souls wishing nothing but the best in free energy for their fellow humans.

Us humans therefore are a beset artificially controlled and suppressed species and caught between a rock and a hard place and are now being asked to shake claws with our brothers the lobsters.
Gaias children therefore include all life – everywhere on Earth and no doubt this goddess being is totally tuned into other planetary consciousness and hives and collectives and soul groups.

Not really an enwombed mother therefore, but an archetypal metaphysical process from which emerges all life – including the non-womb e.g. insecta and the hive related bees, ants and wasps.

First step there though if we were inclined to take that journey is to embrace our dolphin brothers and sisters who have gone out on a limb for us many times defending innocent humans from sharks etc and have huge brain capacities and enormously evolved intelligence. I do do that – love Gods creatures.
I wish to do them no harm, near far, wherever they are, and on whatever planet or reality pocket, I believe that our hearts will go on [personally, in Christ] and I respect their right to worship whatever being or beings they see their Creator with.

I also wish that some would reciprocate that love and respect for my human dignity and the human lives and souls of others whom they demonically persecute against their wishes and will.

In order though to create a universal religion of being and consciousness that subsumes and assimilates the human in us to make us one with our brother or sister the seagull etc – we are going to have to deprioritise and disengage from the things that make us human and reduce the human genre to the level of a life process based on communal `electricity or lucis or lux'. [Prof Hagar, Scientific and Medical Network]

That's sad for I love the idea of the human family, I like the specialisms of the allegedly unbalanced female and the allegedly unbalanced male that make us wholesome and unique and beautiful. I love the idea of brothers and sisters that look human enough to empathise with my aspiration to society and who can as humanoid in form play musical instruments and write and sing and dance, converse and co-create and co-counsel and heal.
A human type soul-group is a unique and special club to belong to – and we make agreements to join it and to interpret our universe by its gentle constraints of form and grace and nurture and implement our exploration by the use of its human tools – many of which are by the mathematics of the golden mean attuned to our symmetry and form.

That is not to say that being a lobster is better or worse than being human – its just that I like a game of football or snooker or cycling.
I would like to live in a future free of loan sharks and shapeshifting reptilians that sneakily hide themselves away behind holograms.
What's wrong with their scales ? looking human all day must be a monstrous restriction on their own sense of identity.
Beings need to be unique independent beings allowed the liberty to do their own thing. Me and my divine human family in Christ for example doing my own thing and finding eternal and abundant life force and life in my own harmless way John 10:10, John 15

Its not just my personally incomplete fascination with duality that enables me to enjoy the human genre. Duality is only alleged to be a source of depletion, but every transaction in every and any realm is governed by an exchange between an area of sufficiency to one of insufficiency – however high up the ladder of human or indeed unhuman reality we wish to proceed.
Even the discharge to nothingness is from something to nothing.
I prefer the New Testament on this one personally - from Colossians 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

The insufficiency in these cosmic energy densities in which we currently live emerges out of hunger for energy and structural maintenance, by the use of nature red or blue or green in tooth and claw but duality is not merely about hunger. In higher realities these insufficiencies are merely the lack of right chords or instrumentation for your music, or choosing the right apparel for the right occasion, or experiencing a teak sailing ship in a beautiful lagoon.
Duality gets a very bad name.
Duality and partial separation of consciousness can be an act of contemplation and devotion to our Father. Not the instantaneous art of spontaneous magical creation of a vase of flowers by an allegedly evolved superconsciousness – but the respectful labour of the painter, in oils, a partially detached soul, giving glory and respect and honour to the minutiae of created life.
Love, I know, knows no limitation of forms or energy formats and I love many non-human beings and I'm sure many have loved me over the years; from cats and dogs to Angels and Saints.

I am biased and partial to human reality and expect to be respected for that even by evil aliens. The new Exo religion though has no human prerogative.

Although much of mankind has been exposed to the animorph kingdoms of Walt Disney and human projections into the activities of the animal kingdoms through the media I believe that the aliens have a more sinister motive than merely ecumenical and cosmic education pertaining to the eternal dance of forms.

For the NWO Exoreligion to roll out, those beautiful unique quirky individual things that make a human being special will have to go.

So once some lobsters and humans and seagulls and zetas have been put in the big ideological blender – the great equaliser – whats left then is a communal soup of life force and electricity.
Gone at this point are the inequalities of violin playing or the demands of the artists easel – instead we take a voyage into formlessness and become everything – and nothing, contemplating other more armless pastimes.
My own personal problem with this is that I still have so very far to go as a violin player that I might feel somewhat unfacilitated by my Father should I lose my arms in some sort of matrix-blender.
I know my Father would not want me to be unhappy.
A farewell to arms doesn't mean a farewell to human grace, only to depletion and violence.
That is me though – the love of the human ideal family and the human ideal form.

For me Exoreligion gets off to a bad start – for seeing Mary mother of Christ converted and reduced to EcoMary on the New Paradigm Academy website didn't encourage me to be thinking of ideal human family relationships and human family nurture and society and creativity and recreativity.
In the New Paradigms Institute's rendition of EcoMary we have the echo of the out of sorts Boylan and his fictitious alternative marians [Mary ans] or Altimarians. Even the dubious proclamations of Boylan appear to originate from the same source.
The Exos seem to have a thing about diminishing the Virgin Mary.

The final phase though of the Exopolitical NWO exoreligion roll out is the Borg-like assimilation philosophies of the Transhuman Movement
and their matrix upload plans so well outlined by Drew Hempel.

There are some borg- transhumanists in the woodwork in exoland – but they maybe need a bit more emphasis on non-human life of a natural kind before we can all be ideologically processed enough to see ourselves as animistic bits of electrical datastream in an alien and posthuman mainframe.

The rollout though will probably promote the stripped-down anima before the anima in the machine.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Serious Ufologists about DR. Salla

From UFO Media Matters

"People in the UFO community for the most part want disclosure. Dr. Salla happily gives it to them…every few months.

I am sure the doctor cares about the people in the UFO community but these same people are disappointed when his insider dope doesn't pan out. Not one in UFO research or any UFO "spokesperson", in our community wants to admit there sources stink. Michael Salla, PhD is a member of the Exopoltics Movement. They are part and parcel to a movement that thinks if you accuse the government, through the media, of hideous things, with no hard evidence, they will be embarrassed enough to give you all you want .

Dr. Salla touted out a few months ago information on a UFO UN meeting the only problem was it never happened. Let me ask the reader if they think something this big would be leaked to Dr. Salla or his insiders? I ask ,in all humility, when this falls through Dr. Salla, will you finally stop listening to these inside people? There seems to be a great deal of crying wolf around some blogs these days I guess it's more about getting hits than helping the truth get out . I was born in the old school of thinking integrity matters and shouldn't be squandered for any fleeting nonsense."

Read more. Follow this link

Wilkipedia writes about Dr. Salla an excellent synthesis of the "exopolitical pioneer" Just search Dr. Salla.

"...His unconventional views have made his work the subject of considerable controversy and criticism within both the ufological and mainstream academic communities. Much of the testimony he uses to support his position is controversial due to a lack of empirical evidence to substantiate many of the claims. While many of Salla's sources are considered to be credible by adherents to the UFO Disclosure movement who cite a variety of supporting documents and credentials, critics argue these sources have been discredited for a variety of reasons; among these the dissemination of patent falsehoods in the content of claims made, and the misrepresentation of credentials."


Boylan Predictions..!

The Councilor of Earth needs help..! Please read this and call a doctor as soon as possible..







Friday, December 11, 2009

Saddam Hussein and Dr. Salla

It is good to remember one of the biggest absurdities written by some self-proclaimed exopoliticians. Take a look..! --


Crop Circles: The Hidden Truth

Crop Circles: The Hidden Truth addresses the confusion behind the crop circle phenomenon. We believe that MI5 are behind the complex crop circles.

John Lundberg

Revealed in this television documentary Crop Circles The Hidden Truth that Lundberg was probably recruited by MI5 in 1992. Since then he has been paid by British Intelligence continually. We believe that due to the anomalies about the property where he lives, MI5 have also been providing him with free lodgings in London since around 1995.

As many people know, Lundberg's activities have been in making crop circles throughout the UK, and sometimes travel to foreign countries such as Italy, to trample down fields there too. We believe MI5 has funded these activities for almost 2 decades and have been giving him money to pay the rest of the crop circle team. There would typically be 5 or 6 in a team. Follow the link for complete reading.


Anonymous Messages and UFO community.

The characteristics of these anonymous messages tell us a few things:
These anonymous messages sell or promote nothing.
Their text just gives information, ideas, and non-commercial links.
Because of this, these anonymous are a legitimate form of communication in the rarefied ufological environment.
Needless is to say that the 'gurus" and profiters of different sectarian ufological groups hate this heterodoxy, because they want their followers to listen to their one voice only.
All the others are just cabals or psyops or agents provocateurs.
The anonymous messages that shock (and inform) the UFO community should not be considered as spam, as the "owners of truth " want.
Sometimes the anonymous messages give us interesting information.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Extraterrestrial presence as hypothesis.

In his writings, Dr. Salla, with good sense, tells us that the Extraterrestrial presence is an hypothesis.
However the Exopolitician, writing about disclosure, defines it as a necessary recognition of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
Of course, it is easy to deny the need of any disclosure, because until now, even for Salla, the ET presence is hypothetical.

However, the implications of this contradiction are paramount. IF the ETs are nothing but an hypothesis for Dr. Salla, the whole exopolitical discourse is a fallacy.
Whistleblowers, contactees and "wise men" are NOT conclusive for Salla, because after ten years of "Internet research" , the ET hypothesis remains just that: a conjecture.

Consequently, the whole idea of galactic diplomacy, contact, preparation, lectures etc, is meaningless.
How can we ask for a disclosure of something that we recognize only as a possibility?
How can we talk about disclosure if we define UFO as an Unidentified Flying Object?
Disclosure yes...but disclosure of what?
The answer of the authorities is easy: they only need to say that the Unidentified Flying Objects remain unidentified. The British did just that last week. They closed the door. They will not waste money looking for hypothetical aliens.
We must recognize this and stop telling the people that "something is going to happen".
Nothing will happen . The UFO phenomenon is with us from the beginning of times and we have only hypothesis. We don't know who they are, what they want, where they come from.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More Exopolitical fallacies.

Fallacies are the substance of the Exopolitical discourse, and Dr. Salla, again, gives us a good sample of this.
He writes in the Examiner :
"The appearance of the enormous light spiral in northern Norway may be a sheer coincidence and unrelated to his upcoming speech in Oslo. Alternatively, the mysterious spiral of light may be a sign from an unknown intelligence that Obama's acceptance speech may be a catalyst for major global changes that lie ahead. With much speculation that the Obama administration is poised to make some kind of announcement concerning extraterrestrial life soon, the light may be sign for him to boldly go where no U.S. President has gone before."

This fallacy is a variation of the Causa-Non Causa , where some event is unjustifiably pointed as possible cause of another event.

It is obvious for us and for Salla, that the light seen in Norway has nothing to do with Obama Nobel Price. Also it is more than possible that the light or explosion has nothing to do with ETs.
If the "aliens" want to send a message promoting Obama's disclosure, they will do something more practical and evident.
But in the EXO Circus, everything goes. Again, Salla not only thinks that we are all idiots, but also that the aliens are perfect imbeciles.
Is this a joke Dr. Salla ? I hope so.

Mysterious light appears over Norway before Obama Peace Prize speech
December 9, 8:42 AMHonolulu Exopolitics Examiner

Dr, Salla Examiner-Obama Nobel Price

James Black


Grinding Us Down part 2 Andrew Hennessey

Grinding Us Down part 2
Andrew Hennessey

BlueUFO, RationalUFOLOGY comments on

Yes, they do, and it is non human entities doing so. I am of the personal opinion that not all faeries/Elves, or animal totems are bad, or that all Fae are Grays (though I have read enough reports that seem to indicate Grays are in fact responsible for some of the faerie abductions of old).
I also read More Becoming as Animals and I find in society this is true. It is not the same as the Native American tradition of medicine animals that linked one closer to nature. What you mention is the nature of the beast. It is perhaps why we have so many Otherkin type people in recent years: Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, etc. Many who get caught up in these belief systems depart from God and embrace a dark side, a truly beastlike nature. Blue UFO,

Yes anything that leads us to be more loving and balanced human beings is good - e.g. natural totem issues and natural appreciation etc but it is the dark side of that which is hitting us with the Hollywood Otherkin industry - the nature and seduction of the beast - powermad bestiality and omnipotence portrayed by Hollywood icons -
I think this industry is designed to make us abandon our commitments to human love and nurture and facility.
There is an abductee [Paul Schroeder] who has dreams like the inside of some grindhouse B movie horror starring the greys – they try to dehumanise him.

All we can do is pray for those folks.
I see Christ as the archetypal pattern of social love and human example and I am beginning to understand better what it really is to be anti-Christian - it is anti-human.
A process of disconnection from Christ, the Source of our life and our Humanity.
You can see how that guy Chris was losing his consciousness amongst these entities Stoicheia/Greys/Faeries - we must as people pray more .. and I think we should pray for Chris.
We were not sufficiently awake to help him at the time - but I think our prayers will help him.

'I have been told that my head resembles a bottle fly and I have four arms and two leggs with a four toed pattern, three fingers and a fully opposable thumb like a birds talon.'

Star ship commander Chris (Golden Helmet).

The migration between lower forms in the faeries was written of by the Rev Robert Kirk 1697AD - but also Gorebridge cameraman and contactee with bad back injury Jackie Gillies talks of migrating between shells like that
Ultimately in Chris's writing ... the pan global symbolism of the beehive becomes more obvious ...

'I am in communication with my ship through a microwave radio link. This sends the information in my brain to the ship and the ship sends signals back. In fact I am not here as my true brain in stored in my starship and is in fact an electronic computer. There is local processing in my local brain but complicated data is issued by the starship brain. This brain communicates with other brains in my ship.'

Doesn't Dr Greer believe that that is what happened to him ??
I have met Grey/faerie contactees who claim to have some sort of network card/switch in their head.

wake up folks - we do have a prayer - most effective when used for others :)
You might have thought Chris mad - but what he describes here is the Techno Samadhi Drew Hempel describes in the radio-eugenics hive uploads assimilations allegedly planned through Transhumism ..


Ideology of the Big Brother, self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth.

Ideology of the Big Brother, self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth.

    You make a good point.
    Not all regular Humans are the same.
    The Old School Regular Humans have trouble getting what the Transition from Fourth World to Fifth World remade society is all about.
    The New School Regular Humans of Good Will can exert ALL of their potential, and for some of these New School Regular Humans, their full potential is awesome. What you call Extraordinary Humans.
     Let's not forget that those of Homo Sapiens Sapiens heritage are still second-generation hybrids with some admixture of Star Visitor genes.
    Just because they're not third-generation hybrids (Star Kids/Seeds) does not mean they are not to be respected as great potential helpers in the effort to reform and transform our global society.
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


    There are a lot of quizzes out there of dubious validity purporting to measure one's being a Star Seed or not.
    For a genuine test which I stand behind with my enormous professional experience is my Star Kid/Star Seed Identification Questionnaire. You can find it at: www.drboylan. com/starkididqst nr.html
    Take it and tell me your overall score, and then I may have some additional information for you.
    By the way, that dark craft with slanted wings that made some noise was not a starcraft but rather a Cabal back-engineered antigravity craft. The Cabal are engaging in a number of deception operations currently, such as the one you witnessed.
    For a listing of some Cabal antigravity craft, see: http://www.drboylan .com/xplanes2. html
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

    There are a lot of quizzes out there of dubious validity purporting to measure one's being a Star Seed or not.
    For a genuine test which I stand behind with my enormous professional experience is my Star Kid/Star Seed Identification Questionnaire. You can find it at: www.drboylan. com/starkididqst nr.html
    Take it and tell me your overall score, and then I may have some additional information for you.
    By the way, that dark craft with slanted wings that made some noise was not a starcraft but rather a Cabal back-engineered antigravity craft. The Cabal are engaging in a number of deception operations currently, such as the one you witnessed.
    For a listing of some Cabal antigravity craft, see: http://www.drboylan .com/xplanes2. html
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Mariana however, has sense of humour and knows that all this is Dr. Sauna, cheap circus.

Dear Karen,

You're very welcome.

Your question has such a simple answer: The role of Humans of Good Will here is to live, to love, to learn and to grow. This is your home, your rule is to find better ways to live here, to be happy. Star Seeds are here to help out, we are here for you, but we also learn, love and grow while we're around. It's an exchange of things.

Always keep it simple, the truth is always simple, complications are part of people trying to understand it all. So you're role is very similar to ours, the difference is that Star Seeds come from far away to give Humans "tips" of how to deal with things better and to point out the directions because we have been there before and now it's our turn to help around just like we have been helped before.

In the end everyone is a winner, we are all flour from the same bag ;O)



Mariana Hudson



Fwd: [XENOPOLITICS] Grinding Us Down - whole article with commentary

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: scottishatlantis <>
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:26 PM
Subject: [XENOPOLITICS] Grinding Us Down - whole article with commentary


Grinding us down to the level of the beast.
Andrew Hennessey

There have always been dark forces at work amongst humanity with obvious superhuman powers and technologies – but what is their agenda for Humans ?

I contend that there is an ongoing programme of alien/demonic dehumanisation and bestiality like some threshing mill trading on the pain of artificially diseased human lives.

The greys have been around a long long time and have had many names;
Djinn, Geni, Faerie, Kobold, Demon, Archon, Goblin, and are referred to in the New Testament in the letters of St Paul to the Colossae.
This was a Christian colony in a region beset by malignant Grey activities though in those days – the demonic Grey elementals conjured by Dr John Dee the Elizabethan mage for his keys of Enoch stuff, storms etc were called by the name Stoicheia.

From Contender Ministries
Clinton Arnold has provided exhaustive research on this term as used in religious contexts (both pagan and Jewish) in the ancient world. He wrote an entire chapter on the subject of the stoicheia. What is compelling about his research is the broad range of material from which he draws. He concludes that the stoicheia are evil, hostile powers. It was these that both Jews and Pagans feared as is shown by many examples cited by Arnold. They feared the stoicheia because it was widely believed that these controlled "fate." After rejecting other interpretations, Arnold summarizes his view: "It is more likely that 'the philosophy' was indeed teaching that the stoicheia controlled the heavenly realm, but the concern was much more directed toward their hostile influence on matters of daily life - causing sickness, effecting a curse, bringing poor crops, plagues, earthquakes, and 'natural' disasters." Pagans and Jews alike (and evidently some Christian teachers at Colossae) were looking for help in averting the work of the stoicheia in their lives. Much of the popular folk religion of the day was focused on this.

What ties this folk religion together is the felt need to be freed from influence of the hostile forces. The stoicheia are evil, personal, spirit beings and they can be the source of a teaching. Paul asserts that "the philosophy" against which he warns, is "according to the stoicheia of the world" (Colossians 2:8). The source of the false teaching is twofold: the traditions of man and the stoicheia. There is some irony in the fact that the source of the teaching which supposedly is necessary for protection from the stoicheia are the very hostile forces themselves! Arnold summarizes this:
The Colossian opponents did not understand their 'philosophy' as imparted to them through the agency of harmful spirits, but as a tradition that was effective for averting the evil influence of these hostile forces. Paul's polemic would have startled his readers as they realized that he was actually denouncing their 'philosophy' as inspired by the same malicious powers from which they were seeking protection!
The stoicheia (elemental principles) no longer are a threat to those who are crucified with Christ. F F Bruce describes it like this: "You died with Christ (he says) and in that death with him (which is what your baptism was all about), your former relation of bondage to the elemental forces of the world has been terminated." The ascetic regulations were likely deemed necessary for religiously warding off the stoicheia and their pernicious influences.

Also it is to be noted that the Greys traditionally have interest in soul stuff and genetic processing too e.g. faerie abductions and the changeling children. [I M Banks, 1937, Rev R Kirk, 1697, Grimm, 1901]
This Grey farming is well discussed by Nigel Kerner in his book The Song of the Greys, although I disagree with his conclusion that the Greys are creating hybrids to evolve themselves into a more habitable life filled state, my opinion, rather is that the Greys are hierarchically and very well adapted to hungry lifeless states and efficiently predate upon larger social systems and that these hybrids are not to house a new evolutionary state for the Greys but are Trojan horses or adapted feeding mechanisms making incursions into diverse and creative sexual type mega-populations with evolving cultural sophistry of the sort mentioned by Philip Krapff in his stories of the Verdants.
These would be a rich source or seam of creative souls.

The disintegrative farming process on Earth as it pertains to the human type souls I discuss:


The long term harvesting of incarcerated interstellar prisoners takes the form of driving them to abandon their soulful humanity – to abandon being the social human being full of love for one anothers brothers and sisters, respecting personal integrity and loving God, the One Father with all our heart, mind, spirit, body and soul. [This is Christ's New Covenant]
The essence of being human.

For the Greys and Reptilians in this artificially constructed funfair of pain and desolation we call a social system here – the main aim is to break down their humanity and their souls presumably for the harvest of their life essence.

We read in Revelation 17 that the woman, which rides the beast with seven heads and ten horns, is the mother of harlots. The ten "horns" are 10 kings according to Revelation 17:12. Notice too that the woman does not control or steer the Beast. It is the Beast, i.e., Satan, and cannot be tamed. Those who ride the Beast have sold their souls to Satan voluntarily, and are thus controlled by the Devil.
Indeed they have surrendered their humanity and notions of human love and society, dignity and respect to become self serving predators akin to nature red in tooth and claw – doing what they will – as they have the strength to do it.

It's a fact that several contactees I know of who are immersing their consciousness in the Archons, Stoicheia/Faeries, Greys have severe back injuries. One victim has been promised enhanced animal senses – the eyes of an owl or eagle, the legs of a panther, the strength of a lion etc and I find it not a co-incidence that the newest movie of 2009 called AVATAR is about the transplant of the consciousness of a severely disabled man into a less than human form with enhanced animalistic prowess and dehumanised symmetries.

The lure of the beast … the unhuman – and ultimately a loss in the human aesthetic. Having said that I have nothing against pods of dolphins who by acts of love, mercy and kindness have saved swimmers beset by sharks and then towed them to safety. Such stories are beautiful.
There is though something more to be said in my opinion for the aesthetic of the human form, human tool use, human recreation and human symmetry.

As the emergence of statues of human beings being carried by uncontrollable and unbridled beasts emerge onto central stage it would be worth bearing in mind that a lot of thought has gone into the systematic degradation of the human aesthetic; family, education, diet, etc and even the tool use that we think is doing us good, merely leads us up another degradative human cul de sac.

This certainly brings another perspective to the idea of being `ground down' by the Stoicheia/Greys/Faeries/Demons

BlueUFO, RationalUFOLOGY comments on

Yes, they do, and it is non human entities doing so. I am of the personal opinion that not all faeries/Elves, or animal totems are bad, or that all Fae are Grays (though I have read enough reports that seem to indicate Grays are in fact responsible for some of the faerie abductions of old).
I also read More Becoming as Animals and I find in society this is true. It is not the same as the Native American tradition of medicine animals that linked one closer to nature. What you mention is the nature of the beast. It is perhaps why we have so many Otherkin type people in recent years: Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, etc. Many who get caught up in these belief systems depart from God and embrace a dark side, a truly beastlike nature. Blue UFO,

Yes anything that leads us to be more loving and balanced human beings is good - e.g. natural totem issues and natural appreciation etc but it is the dark side of that which is hitting us with the Hollywood Otherkin industry - the nature and seduction of the beast - powermad bestiality and omnipotence portrayed by Hollywood icons -
I think this industry is designed to make us abandon our commitments to human love and nurture and facility.
There is an abductee [Paul Schroeder] who has dreams like the inside of some grindhouse B movie horror starring the greys – they try to dehumanise him.

All we can do is pray for those folks.
I see Christ as the archetypal pattern of social love and human example and I am beginning to understand better what it really is to be anti-Christian - it is anti-human.
A process of disconnection from Christ, the Source of our life and our Humanity.
You can see how that guy Chris was losing his consciousness amongst these entities Stoicheia/Greys/Faeries - we must as people pray more .. and I think we should pray for Chris.
We were not sufficiently awake to help him at the time - but I think our prayers will help him.

'I have been told that my head resembles a bottle fly and I have four arms and two leggs with a four toed pattern, three fingers and a fully opposable thumb like a birds talon.'

Star ship commander Chris (Golden Helmet).

The migration between lower forms in the faeries was written of by the Rev Robert Kirk 1697AD - but also Gorebridge cameraman and contactee with bad back injury Jackie Gillies talks of migrating between shells like that
Ultimately in Chris's writing ... the pan global symbolism of the beehive becomes more obvious ...

'I am in communication with my ship through a microwave radio link. This sends the information in my brain to the ship and the ship sends signals back. In fact I am not here as my true brain in stored in my starship and is in fact an electronic computer. There is local processing in my local brain but complicated data is issued by the starship brain. This brain communicates with other brains in my ship.'

Doesn't Dr Greer believe that that is what happened to him ??
I have met Grey/faerie contactees who claim to have some sort of network card/switch in their head.

wake up folks - we do have a prayer - most effective when used for others :)
You might have thought Chris mad - but what he describes here is the Techno Samadhi Drew Hempel describes in the radio-eugenics hive uploads assimilations allegedly planned through Transhumism ..

The farming of Interstellar prisoners from a Reptilian Anunnaki [Devil] perspective is discussed

As discussed elsewhere, HU is generally acknowledged to mean Reptilian god and, Man, in this context tends to mean clay or nesting material. [Dr Deagle]
Rather like the 20,000 year old sphinx, the HU-man being is part Repto hybrid and part clay or nesting material into which host is inserted many parasitic links to Reptilian ancestral larvae.
I discuss this in the article THE PHOENIX AND THE SPHINX




Ufology, Exopolitics, Conspiracies, Paranoia, Memes, Hoaxes, 2012, UFO, Aliens, Disinformation, Cultism, Brainwashing, Rational Thinking, ET, Xenopolitics, Contactees, Abductions, Disclosure.
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