Monday, November 28, 2011

Alfred Webre's bizarre claims and fantasies.

"Time travel is less than 34 years away, the CIA knew when he was about 20 years old that Barack Obama would be president of the US and there are secret bases on Mars.

These were some of the bizarre claims made by speakers at the weekend's UFO Science and Consciousness conference in Johannesburg."

Webre claimed that time travel was being used by the CIA to "hide military secrets in certain time loops" and for covert operations.

"US presidents are pre-identified by the CIA by time travel. They're identified 20 or 30 years in advance and pre-trained to use time travel".

"Obama and George Bush Jr. were told in their early 20s that they were destined to become presidents of the US and were prepared for the job in secret programs, he said."

Ufology, Exopolitics, Conspiracies, Paranoia, Memes, Hoaxes, 2012, UFO, Aliens, Disinformation, Cultism, Brainwashing, Rational Thinking, ET, Xenopolitics, Contactees, Abductions, Disclosure.
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