Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My message to Stanton Friedman

Message body

 Dear Mr. Friedman
You assert that "There is Overwhelming evidence that the earth is being visited by intelligent controlled extraterrestrial space crafts. There is however no way for a normal person to prove or disprove this claim, either due to classification or lack of said evidence.
However you do not  posses any evidence of Alien visitation on earth, and if this is so, your argumentation from a logical perspective have no value. Where are those overwhelming evidences?
After 40 years of research, I am convinced that the UFO phenomenon is with us from the beginning of historical, and perhaps pre-historical times, but the extraterrestrial origin of this phenomenon is just an hypothesis, and not the most convincing.
We don’t know what UFOs are. Of course, this recognition doesn’t sell books.
Tomas Scolarici.

The twisted Logic of Stanton Friedman.

Stanton Friedman claims, quote "There is Overwhelming evidence that the earth is being visited by Intelligent controlled extraterrestrial space crafts. There is however no way for a normal person to prove or disprove this claim, either due to classification or lack of said evidence.
Stanton does not personally claim to posses any evidence of Alien visitation on earth, so all we can really do is to consider his arguments either plausible or implausible. There are several skeptic sites dealing with Stanton and I encourage you to read those as well to get your own unbiased opinion.

The asseverations cited above are a denial of the most elemental norms of Logic and Rational Thought.
1) Stanton Friedman tells us that "There is Overwhelming evidence that the earth is being visited by Intelligent controlled extraterrestrial space crafts.
2) Stanton Friedman tells us that there is no way to prove or disprove this claim, either due to classification or lack of said evidence.
3) Stanton Friedman does not personally claim to posses any evidence of Alien visitation on earth.

4) In other words, Stanton Friedman believes that we are stupid. He tells us that there is overwhelming evidence of ET visitation on Earth, but that neither he nor anyone else has that evidence, and that there is no way to prove or disprove this claim.
Of course Stanton Friedman argument about ET evidences has absolutely no rational value.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Alfred Webre's bizarre claims and fantasies.

"Time travel is less than 34 years away, the CIA knew when he was about 20 years old that Barack Obama would be president of the US and there are secret bases on Mars.

These were some of the bizarre claims made by speakers at the weekend's UFO Science and Consciousness conference in Johannesburg."

Webre claimed that time travel was being used by the CIA to "hide military secrets in certain time loops" and for covert operations.

"US presidents are pre-identified by the CIA by time travel. They're identified 20 or 30 years in advance and pre-trained to use time travel".

"Obama and George Bush Jr. were told in their early 20s that they were destined to become presidents of the US and were prepared for the job in secret programs, he said."

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dr.Michael Salla has nothing to do with Reality.

Dr. Michael Salla, the Exopolitician, feels free from any compromise with rational thought, evidences and reality.


Dr. Michael Salla stipulates: "the Procyons main activity is in effectively resisting the extraterrestrial subversion by developing a 'multidimensional consciousness', using mind imagery to protect oneself from extraterrestrial mind control, and monitoring unfriendly extraterrestrial activity." 

Furthermore, Dr. Salla elaborates: "The global solutions that the Procyons can assist in include exposing extraterrestrial subversion, helping end global secrecy of the extraterrestrial presence, promoting multidimensional consciousness, deprogramming mind control, promoting universal human rights, and developing the internet and global communication. 


Part III -- Iran: Extraterrestrial War of the 1930's linked to ...
Canadian National Newspaper



Thursday, November 24, 2011

Alfred Webre very active on Alchemy, Credo Mutwa, ETs. and Bio mimicry..!

Alfred Webre | Credo Mutwa Zulu Shaman
Posted in Events | Tagged alchemy, Alfred Webre, ancient wisdom, bio mimicry, Claire Janisch, conference, consciousness, Cristo Louw, David Hudson, ...

Extraterrestrial War of the 1930's made Earth a Colony of Planet X ...
Canadian National Newspaper
Alfred Lambremont Webre documents that according to Patricia Cori's book Atlantis Rising, the Annunaki extraterrestrial civilization (also described by the ...


Richard Boylan working for the Cabal.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <friend.of.truth@nyms.net>
Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 9:56 PM
Subject: Richard Boylan and the Cabal.
To: sadhanusari@gmail.com

The application of some rational thought will show us the obvious.
Nobody in the Internet writes more about the "cabal" than Richard Boylan, right?
Of course, and the man who lost his therapist license in 1995, writes always about the amazing power of the cabal. In fact, this organization rules the world according to Richard Boylan, self proclaimed Councilor of Earth.
The cabal can stop earthquakes, destroy alien ships, make people look good or bad, control governments, institutions and is in possession of weapons of immense power.
The cabal has bases in Mars, space aircraft and unlimited monetary resources.
In his own words, Richard Boylan defines the Cabal for us:
"The Cabal refers to a claque of global-scale plutocratic manipulators who use their immense wealth, prestige and power to control governments and economies to perpetuate their stranglehold on global society. "
"The Cabal is a kind of "parallel government" to the official elected and appointed governments of the more developed countries."
But this Cabal, is something new? No, writes Boylan, on the contrary:
The Cabal has been around for many millennia in its various incarnations as dark-side shamanic practitioners, priestcraft organizations, and secret societies, whose inner initiates use dark psychic arts for power, such as psychic projection, conjured hallucinations, and dream-insertions, etc. to intimidate and influence targeted individuals. The human-like reptoid imagery they use sometimes has been a favorite over the millennia, as these dark-arts "magicians" shrewdly capitalize on a widespread natural abhorrence of reptiles.
But wait a minute: IF the cabal through dark arts conjures hallucinations, dream insertions and other dark arts, we must assume that this cabal can destroy anyone or at least produce insanity at will. The Councilor tells us that:
The Cabal's operatives also terrorize some UFO researchers who get too close, and even assassinate a few (made to look like "accidents" or "suicides"). They have hijacked some psychotronic devices and weaponized them for unauthorized use on their enemies or on innocent civilian guinea-pig test subjects. In general, most of the horrific stuff done under the UFO Cover-Up comes from The Cabal's unauthorized version of the UFO Cover-Up, often using their plants within military and intelligence organizations to further camouflage who it is who is actually at work.
The path is cleared for the Cabal dark wizards to be the only ones left to operate as they please. "
If you want more evidence about Cabal power, remember that cabalists stop earthquakes predicted by Boylan, and made him see al evils those who were his loyal followers.
Also the Cabal was behind the bad behavior of the self proclaimed Councilor of Earth.
Read below please.
Full And Detailed Transcript of California Board of Psychology revoking Boylan's license to practice in Nov 1996 is included in this link.


Now, our theory is this one:

Dr. Richard Boylan is the best propagandist of the Cabal. His constant references to the power, the methods and the strength of the Cabal are indirect propaganda or Dark Propaganda as called by experts.


IF Richard Boylan is systematically deluded and defeated by the Cabal, THEN  we should distance ourselves of this man.

IF  Richard Boylan works for the Cabal on intimidation tactics, THEN , we should distance ourselves of this man.

IF the cabal doesn't exist, and the Councilor of Earth is just a charlatan, THEN, we should distance ourselves of this man.


Friends or Reason and Truth.



Recent Activity:



Fwd: Alfred Webre very active on Alchemy, Credo Mutwa, ETs. and Bio mimicry..!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sam Symons <samsymons@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 2:56 PM
Subject: Alfred Webre very active on Alchemy, Credo Mutwa, ETs. and Bio mimicry..!
To: "fso2604@gmail.com" <fso2604@gmail.com>, "alintel36@gmail.com" <alintel36@gmail.com>, "sadhanusari@gmail.com" <sadhanusari@gmail.com>

Alfred Webre | Credo Mutwa Zulu Shaman
Posted in Events | Tagged alchemy, Alfred Webre, ancient wisdom, bio mimicry, Claire Janisch, conference, consciousness, Cristo Louw, David Hudson, ...

Extraterrestrial War of the 1930's made Earth a Colony of Planet X ...
Canadian National Newspaper
Alfred Lambremont Webre documents that according to Patricia Cori's book Atlantis Rising, the Annunaki extraterrestrial civilization (also described by the ...


Monday, November 21, 2011

Alfred Webre's articles hacked..!


Fwd: Stephen Bassett doesn't care about credibility.

Let's go back in time. On February 3, 2011, Michael Horn wrote what follows.



Excitement Running High as "Exopolitics" Group Claims Stunning UFO Proof

by Michael Horn


Group spokesman, Stephen Bassett, expected to release undeniable evidence of "the worldwide extraterrestrial presence", "millions of UFO contactees on the planet" and "alien-human hybrid babies" in coming appearance in Los Angeles.

Playa Del Rey, CA (PRWEB) February 1, 2011

It's reported that Stephen Bassett, the spokesman for the Exopolitics UFO group, will present "undeniable evidence" to prove that extraterrestrials are contacting millions of people on Earth, and even abducting and impregnating women with "alien-human hybrid babies" – and that our government knows about it.

The groundbreaking proof will be the highlight of Bassett's second presentation on the topic at the aptly named Flying Saucers Cafe in Santa Monica, Friday, February 4.

What was Mr. Basset doing? What evidences he released? NONE.

Mr. Stephen Basset was reinforcing the ET meme. Nothing  more and nothing else. Eight months later, the same self proclaimed exopolitician was signing a petition of Disclosure, knowing of course, that  the White House would  tell him  that  there are no evidences of extraterrestrial life here or in any other place of the Universe.

What is the meaning of all this nonsense? Let us suggest some hypothesis.

1) Nonsense makes the UFO phenomenon look more and more ridiculous.

2) Conspiracy theories sell books and "donations."

3) The ET mythology can become easily a cult. Charismatic charlatans are happy about this.


But there is more…take a look:

UFO Disclosure 2009 : Stephen Bassett ultimatum to President Mr. Barack Obama better disclose by May 31, 2009


April 22, 2009

In his statement on UFO Disclosure in Fifth X-confrence 2009 this week Stephen Bassett given ultimatum to President Mr. Barack Obama .

He said : "Obama better disclose by May 31 or else another country probably will before then.."

And just yesterday Scientists of the Geneva Observatory in Switzerland disclosed that they find the most Earthlike planet yet... The new Alien Earth like planet is 50% bigger in size of our earth and predict planet should be either rocky or covered with oceans.


Yes, anything goes. The show must go on.  But…who is Stephen Basset?


 "Bassett wants so much to bring the issue of ET Disclosure in front of the public that he appears willing to do anything at all to further his cause. At an appearance on The Paracast he was asked by David & Gene why he gave credence to known charlatans. He stated that it didn't matter if the people who took the stage were credible or not. All that mattered was to get the idea before the public. He said,

"The problem is not about our opinions about who is a laughingstock. It's all about the government. Don't worry about the individual aspects of people in the field. I don't care about your background. Credibility is not an issue in the Disclosure process. I just don't care. It's not my concern and I'm not in a position to sort it out. I don't give a damn."

He then became extremely upset and literally blew a fuse. His voice went up an octave and he became totally incoherent. Listen to Bassett split a gut on The Paracast here. It's especially telling from 1hr:15min on to the end. He also appeared on the show on April 6, 2008 and September 9th, 2007."

Read more following this link.






Friday, November 18, 2011

Richard Boylan's repentance.

Dr. Richard Boylan is always RIGHT. 
Each time he is WRONG, when he announces a Star-Nations show , or when he predicts an Earthquake which fortunately never happens, or when he accuses some good old friends of Light as infiltrated she-males and cabalists, he is in fact NOT WRONG but victimized by the cabal manipulations.

Consequently, please, before believing in what the Doctor Boylan says, wait and see what's going on. 
Most if not all the times, the Cabal  sends Negative Energy and Councilor Richard Boylan makes mistakes and talks nonsense. 

This agnosticism (or even skepticism.) is justified, since the Cabal makes the Councilor always look bad. 
The Star Nations are also responsible directly or indirectly by omission or simply because the Cabal is always stronger. 

"...A thousand pardons for any upset caused by that Cabal deception and my responding to it.

     in the light,

     Richard Boylan, Ph.D."


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tomas Scolarici <tscolarici@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 4:34 PM
To: "RationalUFOLOGY@yahoogroups.com" <RationalUFOLOGY@yahoogroups.com>


 Rational Ufologists are mistaken if they think that the petitions of disclosure were aprioristic and prejudiced because the EXO fantasists write them from a wrong perspective.
On the contrary, the petitions were written exactly to get the White House answer they were looking for: a negative answer.
The profiteers in the UFO subculture need the cover-up. They know perfectly well that there are no evidences about the existence of extraterrestrials in our planet or in any other world.
They knew what the Government answer would be; and now, after the denial, they will go on working as usual. 
They will invent new events and create new whistle-blowers. The messages from the contactees will be the usual blend of nonsense, new age rhetoric; religion and self-help clichés.
 They will bombard the true believers with aggressive rants against the government and the scientific establishment.
Probably they will sell new books with the same old inconsistencies and total lack of any evidence.
Alfred Webre will let us know what the Andromeda Council told to Toltec. (sic)
Andrew Bassiago will go on time travelling and meeting Barak Obama in Mars.
We will read what Dr. Michael Salla tells us about the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial complex.
Of course, Dr. Richard Boylan will remember us that he is the one and only Councilor of/for Earth.
To make it short dear brain-users, the show must go on..!
entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem,

"Occam's Razor"


Recent Activity:



Monday, November 14, 2011

Cover-Up Probabilities.

The theory of the Cover Up is based on the following elements:
A) Authorities, Intelligence Services, members of the Army and the scientific establishment have concrete evidences about the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations and presumably are in contact with some of these ET civilizations. This fact is kept in secrecy.
To maintain the cover-up, those who know the truth conspire to deny (A)
Because of the nature of this secret, the truth about Extraterrestrial presence is shared by a great number of individuals.
How many?
Let us suppose that in the whole planet, only 500 individuals know that ETs exist and have evidences about their existence.
Since this is a shared secret, if only one individual reveals the truth and shows concrete evidences, the whole cover-up collapses.
Obviously, there are 500 (or more) possibilities of disclosure, because if only one conspirator reveals the truth showing concrete evidences, the other 499 individuals cannot save the secret.
The Cover up requires the silence of 500 individuals. (All of them)
The Disclosure requires only one whistle blower (with concrete evidences.)
It is practically impossible to keep such a secret shared by so many people from different social, political and scientific professions, so, it’s logical to assume that such secret doesn’t exist. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Dear friends, this is important. Ufological Charlatans do not want questions...why? Because they have no answers. In the Circus of the myth profiteers, TRUTH have no place. 
The Illusionists want you to believe that in their nonsensical rhetoric is the only one. Reason, Logic, Science, Evidences are forbidden, banned, censored.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sam Symons <samsymons@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Judge Alfred Webre against freedom of expression.

- Hide quoted text -
Dear friends.
The Exopolitician Alfred Webre posts his articles and interviews in the Examiner, and this medium invites the readers to write comments about both.
Of course, these comments are not anonymous and must include our name and email.
However, there is not freedom of expression for those whose comments do not please Mr. Alfred Webre. 
All my comments are systematically deleted. Only those messages who please Mr.Webre remain.
By the way, my answers to other readers are also deleted!
As usual, questions, doubts and differences are forbidden in the so called UFO subculture.


Sam Symons


Fwd: Judge Alfred Webre against freedom of expression.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sam Symons <samsymons@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Judge Alfred Webre against freedom of expression.

Dear friends.
The Exopolitician Alfred Webre posts his articles and interviews in the Examiner, and this medium invites the readers to write comments about both.
Of course, these comments are not anonymous and must include our name and email.
However, there is not freedom of expression for those whose comments do not please Mr. Alfred Webre. 
All my comments are systematically deleted. Only those messages who please Mr.Webre remain.
By the way, my answers to other readers are also deleted!
As usual, questions, doubts and differences are forbidden in the so called UFO subculture.


Sam Symons


Thursday, November 10, 2011


White House denial of evidences concerning extraterrestrial presence on our planet or in any other place, brings back the discussion about the so called Cover-Up and the possibility of such thing.
Irrational ufologists affirm that several, even hundreds of extraterrestrial civilizations are present in our planet. They also tell us that the government(s) know about this presence and are in fact in contact or were contacted by those hypothetical extraterrestrials.
However the cover up is not limited to the government(s) but must include in the conspiracy, the whole scientific establishment.
In addition, the conspiracy theorists incorporate in the plot big companies and corporations who exploit alien technology given by the extraterrestrials or taken from them.
Now, we live in what the Italian philosopher Gianni Vattimo calls Transparent society: (The Transparent Society. Gianni Vattimo. ISBN: 978-0-7456-1047-4. Paperback. 129 pages. November 1992.)
Also, some analysts talk about the present times as the Information Era.
Is it possible for millions and millions of individuals and institutions to keep the secret of the extraterrestrial presence and existence?
I think that this is just impossible. Those millions cannot keep the suggested cover-up at all.
Besides, the conspiracy theorists cannot give any evidence of their ET hypothesis. The whole rhetoric of the ETH is a blend of pseudo-science, unproved statements and mysticism.
The aprioristic ETH rhetoric doesn’t show facts or evidences.  In the worst cases is a mass of nonsense without any rational value.
Of course, the disclosure fans have the right to insist that there is a massive Cover up, but they cannot show any credible, authentic evidence to confirm that such a cover-up exists, or that the ET hypothesis is based on facts.
The ET hypothesis is a system of beliefs as religions are, and nothing more.
The UFO phenomenon, until now, is an unsolved mystery, and so it was for the Roman legions, the Chinese armies or the illiterate peasants, thousands of years ago.

Dr.Michael Salla's agreement with White House ET. denial.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <the.watchers@nyms.net>
Date: Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 5:39 PM
Subject: Dr.Michael Salla's agreement with White House ET. denial.
To: fso2604@gmail.com

On Friday, a member of the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy denied covering up evidence of contact with extraterrestrials in response to an online petition submitted  to the White House.
"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race," the statement read.
The response directs petitioners toward several projects aimed at uncovering evidence of extraterrestrial life, including the Mars Science Laboratory, the SETI Institute and the Kepler spacecraft, but states the government has "no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth."
This denial is not new of course, but what is new is that for Dr. Michael Salla, UFO researcher and former professor at American University's Center for Global Peace, government's answer is pretty consistent  and HONEST.

"It's a very predictable response," he told The Daily Caller. "All government agencies have basically taken a similar line that there is no credible evidence of extraterrestrial life having visited the earth. And that's been a pretty consistent response for the past 50 years."
Dr. Salla claims that the White House's response isn't necessarily dishonest: Much of the information is classified or has been turned over to private companies. Of course, as usual, Dr. Michael Salla didin't give any evidence about all these last statements.
"The Obama administration's response should be something like what Bill Clinton did, which is to try to find out which agencies have information. … I can tell from my research that the information has been increasingly privatized, it's been put into private archives the proprietary control of major corporations like Boeing."
Some insiders told us that Boeing and other corporations will challenge the Exopolitician Dr. Michael Salla about this unsubstantiated declaration.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/11/09/white-house-denies-ufo-cover-up/#ixzz1dKuZdW4p


Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Rational people allow facts to be the test of principles. Once we explore facts we can retain of modify our principles. However, when we expose our convictions apriori, and use those personal, unsubstantiated principles to deny facts, we commit the fallacy of apriorism.  
This fallacy favors unwarranted presumptions, and the theory is unsupported by evidence.
Aprioristic reasoning is the ideal tool of those whose beliefs have nothing to do with reality. If necessary, the apriorism will deny facts, if these facts do not support the thesis sustained apriori.
Apriorism fallacy is used to support a preconceived judgment against the evidence.
The EXO fantasists statements are based in preconceived ideas that are not supported by facts and these ideas about hundreds of extraterrestrial civilizations contacting our planet are presented to the audience without any factual evidence.
Facts are systematically denied and ignored in the ET hypothesis rhetoric, and the absence of evidences supporting their hypothetical convictions is presented as a massive conspiracy.
In rational thinking, facts and objective experience are the real fundaments of knowledge. Any hypothesis only will legitimize itself IF facts give the evidence needed.
When our EXO fantasists deny the need of concrete evidences, the whole process of rational thinking collapses. Anyone can say anything about anything without showing evidences, and this is precisely the dominion of the charlatanism and the superstition.

Irrational ufologist can say that the government and the scientists lie about the lack of contact with extraterrestrials, but this accusation is only valid if they give us FACTS that contradict the government and the scientific community. The burden of proof, by the way, belongs to those who affirm the existence of ETs in our planet.
If you say that extraterrestrial civilizations are in contact with the government, you are the one who must demonstrate what you say through concrete evidences. Until you give us those proofs, your whole discourse is invalid.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A classic in human stupidity

Was included in Alfred Webre's answer  to the White House "no aliens" response to Paradigma Research question.

Let me tell you this: the worst supermarket tabloids would find this "not serious".

Mars visitor Andrew D. Basiago will be appearing with fellow Mars experiencers William B. Stillings and Laura M. Eisenhower on Coast to Coast AM on Thursday, November 10, 2011. This promises to be an historic broadcast. It will be the first time that a mainstream program will interview two Mars visitors on the same broadcast and in a joint appearance with an individual invited to join the secret US colony there. Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings state they both attended a 1980 Mars training seminar with Mr. Obama and now DARPA director Regina Dugan. Mr. Basiago states he encountered Mr. Obama on Mars during the 1981-1983 period.

Special Program:





Exo-fantasists, charlatans and UFO profiteers are happy again.
The White House denied the existence of extraterrestrials in our planet. No evidences, they say, and with this obvious, inevitable response, the irrational ufologists will go on with their rhetoric of cover-up, conspiracies, Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial complex, and (in Alfred Webre’s system of belief,) the 105 different ET civilizations present here, in our quarantined Earth.
Richard Boylan, self proclaimed Councilor of Earth will promise earthquakes and massive Star Nations shows and will be wrong as usual.
Contactees will go on with the usual blend of new age saccharine, religion, and self-help, while anonymous whistleblowers, (sergeants if possible,) will tell us about secret Bases and aliens in the Pentagon. They will write billions of words, but one single word will not be there. This word is EVIDENCES.
The ETH, extraterrestrial hypothesis, will survive because is easy to talk and write class b. science-fiction that do not explain the UFO phenomenon.
UFO’s are with us from the beginning of times, and NOBODY knows what these “things” are.

Tomas Scolarici


Searching for ET, But No Evidence Yet

By Phil Larson
Thank you for signing the petition asking the Obama Administration to acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.
The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye.
However, that doesn't mean the subject of life outside our planet isn't being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth. Here are a few examples:
  • SETI—the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence—was originally stood up with help from NASA, but has since been moved to other sources of private funding. SETI's main purpose is to act as a giant ear on behalf of the human race, pointing an array of ground-based telescopes towards space to listen for any signal from another world.
  • Kepler is a NASA spacecraft in Earth orbit that's main goal is to search for Earth-like planets. Such a planet would be located in the "Goldilocks" zone of a distant solar system—not too hot and not too cold—and could potentially be habitable by life as we know it. The Kepler mission is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover Earth-sized, rocky planets in or near the habitable zone of the star (sun) they orbit.
  • The Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity, is an automobile-sized rover that NASA is launching soon. The rover's onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and other geology in an effort to detect the chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the Martian environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored life.
A last point: Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life.
Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved.
But that's all statistics and speculation. The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.
Phil Larson works on space policy and communications at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy
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