Sunday, November 29, 2009


Andrew Hennessey

I think that we can safely say that there is a huge cohort of Exoskeptics who find themselves shaking their heads at the clowns wearing the emperors clothes or flouting the emperors credentials.
The entire exo circus has definitely succeeded in recently laying such a barrage and bombardment of irrationalist and inappropriate and unpolitical gibberish that the many reasonable people who had occupied the silent majority in the middle ground can be left in no doubt that they are witnessing a phoney soap opera.

It is only vaguely disguised as commercialism though since it has easily and deliberately alienated and disenfranchised the majority of its target market.
The bombardment of Exo-illness instead has largely succeeded in an offensive of distressing psychological warfare using a technique called Cognitive Dissonance.

You know they have been successful because many intelligent people are rightly refusing to post and comment on it.
Whether incredulous, shocked, outraged or betrayed or indeed sickened, people need to have a think about what next after the failure of the Disclosure Movement.
I have said that if you look at all the main political parties and their manifestos you will see the use or the intent to use demographic statistics that include; age, occupation, education, skills and stats like these become part of statistical measurements with which any real party would hope to create policies and allocate resources and provisions and representations.
This hasn't happened in 10 years of Exopolitics and the only politics I have come across were the alleged UN leaks to foist an alien led N.W.O religion on the masses.
If this barrage of semantic chaos is designed to soften us up prior to being somehow assimilated, then why call Exopolitics EXO-politics for it cannot be the politics of democracy but rather the politics of the early Plato and his elite Republic model. The idea of there being politics is but a fiction or an `ignoble lie' to keep us happy and deceived.
Exopolitics becomes the politics of a Timarchy or elite rather than a Democracy.
ie. Exopolitics is not for us.

You can see from the Transhuman presence on the Exopolitics board that there would be at least one voice leaning towards the Laszlo Radio Eugenics and Upload and Techno-Samhadi movement of the 1930's.
For Transhuman – read Borg or Robotic hive mind ….

Obviously the Exopolitics clowns have been living on credit – ours – and they spent it and spent it and spent it – and we kept lending them our credibility - and now we know there isn't anywhere to go with them – our fate seemingly to just patiently sift through the painful semantic disease till we can hear the words coming from somewhere and someone – `resistance is useless'.

The thing is that's probably going to happen anyway at some time – so why not de-stress and chill out – there's no need to be hypervigilant about it – no need to keep smelling the sickness – yes its true – they are an unedited and unrepentant melange of disease and fundamentally anti-human rhetoric.

We are Ex Exos because we can see that sick is sick, looks like it and smells like it and operates like it and discusses and challenges like it.
No getting away from the fact that it was a possibility at one point that it could have should have done some good.

But this is planet Should – replete with tales of such disease at every social and HUman level. The secret is why is that – and the answer is it's a ReptoGrey farm. (the HU are Reptilians)

It's the next step we have to take that should be more important to us all.
Collectively we must awaken to recognise and identify the true name of the game.
That the social disease we see in Exopoliticians is endemic amongst allegedly pro-human social processes and that in fact the behaviour of Exos are nothing new. We can see this at all levels in our own lives.
That's the disappointment for us – and what suddenly takes away some hope. Exos are merely more of the same stuff.

I have discussed why I believe the planet to be a deliberately engineered cul de sac and charade at for the purposes of creating spiritual pain in humans.
I argue that planet Earth is one of a franchise of many such deliberately retarded and painful (for humans) life force burger bars where the Anunnaki and Greys (vampiric types) can amongst other things feast off the nervous juices of freshly squeezed Humans.
They created mud huts and pointy sticks and bows and arrows and plagues nestled amongst matrix-like interstellar infrastructure and have operated like this here with interstellar captives for at least 20 millennia.
But where would you really go in this galaxy if you had a choice to jump on a meatwagon going somewhere `out there' ?

Our local `starbrothers' would have to be accessories to the many facts of the many burger bar planets in this and adjacent galaxies assimilated by the Reptilian houses e.g. the Anunnaki and the Greys.
Which is why you never get some miracle cure molecule sketched on a cheap dinner napkin after a session by some channelling devotee.

In my version of Exopolitics, I would argue that the only way out of here is UP and OUT.
UP and OUT of this hungry depleted dualism and plane in a process I believe to be true called the Christian ascension.

The biggest problem I can see for the many people entangled by the matrix ideologies is that the mesh and goo and alien membrane that ties us in to the farming tubes is entirely of our own making. Its made by our own minds.
Its our physical, social and spiritual and monetary investments, our social causes and goals, our worldly aspirations.
It is from these that we have to set ourselves free – our attachments made to this world by our minds - these artifices are our anaesthetic – the soulwire cables that entrain us with action and reaction - that which sleeps our soul.

Many people can't see anything other than their projected comfort zone and are happy with it.
Yet many people waking up have seen some rather uncomfortable things – its like the Agent Smith that comes out of our worst fears.
Its not new this manifestation of our worst fears. It's the age old way on farmers world here to sleep us back in our box.

With an alien soul harvest on the way driven by the diseases of a global cull – if we have to pass – we must pray for assistance for it cannot be with our hacked minds that we can recognise our way to freedom.

Having read so many psychotic utterances on Angelic realities and been toxified with false visions by black shepherds and harvest managers it would not be wise to rely on these images or their residues in struggling to create or recreate visions and relativity with our hacked mind.

Our escape, freedom and future life in eternity comes from our heart – our truth, our liberty, our connection to the true God and Source, the true Angelic network and vine, (John 15) the Christ in us.
Our heart is the true key to the Up elevator.

That Heaven of our future recognises no limits to our potential, our love and our social facilitation – a wonderful world without end.

Not anything like this – as our inheritance is beyond our beat down and hacked imagination that is incessantly bombarded with dehumanising culture and disease-ridden and dysfunctional artefacts and other social garbage.

Matrix spirituality is a trap too. If we want to float free of this dimension we have to recognise that we ourselves are in it but not of it. We are in the electrons and electricity and molecules of this plane but what we wear is but a clumsy DNA overcoat that we will lay down.
So many of Hollywoods epics depict our unique souls as soulfood electricity that goes back into a big soup.
(e.g. the Golden Compass, Aeon flux, Men who stare at goats)

We are not of this plane in our core – though our core radiates our worldly interactions through our gross being like a bright light inside a lampshade. Its aura is coloured by our social context.

If our HUman culture has been made anti-soul it is only for the benefit of the alien harvest. Telling you that you have no soul is an attempt to trick you out of eternal life so that you will buy into worldly attachments and hence worldly relativity and hence matrix integration and reprocessing.

That I think is where the Exopolitical movement as a tool of the alien comes into play – to catch the scifi orientated sleepers as they start to imagine escape and start to awaken.
Exocircus serves to overwhelm them and stifle their emerging recognition of what should really be happening in a benevolent Et situation.

Although it seems like we are faced with the ultimate truth of anti-human reality and mind manipulation, and holograms that can do everything dispiritingly much much better than we were engineered to ever dream of etc and a parade of unjust winners and losers that pulls us into the cycle of retribution like bait – we must actively turn the other cheek and disengage from the hook of self vindication and disown the artificial charade of the world.
That is not to say that we should not actively be there for our brothers and sisters as they start to rip at the alien membranes around their artificially and uniquely entrenched lives.
The alien soul farming matrix provides designer negation just for you …
You say X, matrix says NOT X.

Our next big challenge as people therefore is not to wait with eager breathe or expectant disbelief on the next very deliberate act of insanity from the next Exo clown – it is to identify that We as people have the unique gift of a unique and distinct soul and that if we ask to leave this cycle in Christ's name we will connect with the Angels and Saints and Holy family who have done Gods will throughout the Ages.

That means that when the statue for Zug the Insect God is unveiled and Dungosaurus the Dagon Destroyer is venerated on the god channel we are neither surprised or impressed or worried because our future truly doesn't belong to them.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Healing in Paradise...for those who can pay for it.

Of course, healing in Paradise, is only for all those who can pay for it.  Be nice, be generous and forget the millions who have not even water to drink.

Do not feel bad, talk with the Dolphins, swim, eat and enjoy Hawaiian music…Ahhh look at that face, look at those eyes…Braco, the Healer…do not worry, he will not even touch you…he will just look at you and zuuuummmm there you are, healed. (Between us, those eyes do not look so "dramatic" right?)

It seems to me that the ET aliens, Exopolitical business is changing with the times. Exopolitics becomes Exotourism.  The disclosure promise doesn't work and never will.

"…11 International Speakers, gazing sessions with Braco, ocean front venue, banquet, Kahuna ceremony, sacred Hula performance, booths, post conference dolphin-whale boat excursion & workshops and much more . . ."

 How nice. If something goes wrong with Braco, try with Dennis : ""Dennis is probably the finest healer since the time of Jesus." - Olga Worral, Ph.D." Strong statement indeed.

For only 395$ you can eat, dance and enjoy the healing gazing of Braco.

85$ more will let you go to a banquet and "sacred Hula Performance" (sic.)

The show must go on:

Now, let me suggest an alternative: If you truly want to change something in this world, give that money to some hungry child.

James Black 




Fwd: Interpretation of Dr. Boylans message

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Titanius X <>
Date: Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 5:20 PM
Subject: Interpretation of Dr. Boylans message
To: James Black <>

My comments in red -


   This message is at once serious, joyful, and of modest cosmic significance.
   Please take it seriously if it applies to you and the messages resonates with you.
   As you will recall, 12 Altimarian scientist volunteers are working here on environmental remediation projects. The Altimarian team includes two women and ten men.
   The Altimarians are here likely for the duration of their lives. They deliberately were hybridized to survive in Earth conditions. As the experience with Altimarian commander Gene's hybridized son Max, (presently staying behind on Altimar) shows, their hybridized Altimarian-Human bodies are no longer adapted to live on Altimar without needing artificial-environm ent technological support. Suggesting either a sexual union or in vitro fertilization has taken place.
   It is therefore not altogether surprising that one or other Altimarian may wish to have a "normal" romantic and sex life during their self-imposed "exile"-service on Earth, and to not be confined to celibacy for the duration. And a number of the male Altimarians are not finding a suitable life companion among the two female scientists who came here. Specifically states "normal romantic," "sex life," and "life companion" that suggests physical unions.
   One of them, Communications Officer Amanda, has a partner and is currently pregnant with triplets. (Her due date is approximately next May.) Further, recently Amanda was assaulted by a Cabal goon working for Wackenhut Security at a sensitive location in Nevada. She and her triplet fetuses are recovering satisfactorily from the taser attack but are on sick leave until she gives birth. Very dramatic psychological warfare tactic by Boylan to stir up sympathy.
   The other female, Energy Clean-Up Specialist Mada's personal life situation is unknown to me, but at any rate she could not by herself meet the companionship and dating needs of the many male Altimarians.
   Therefore it is only natural that the male Altimarians might like to think of a potentially- broader pool of dating partners on Earth. Dating partners are usually in the physical realm, not the astral.
   We Humans need to do more to be responsive to the needs of Altimarians while in durational service here on behalf Humans and Gaia/Mother Earth/Unce Maka.
   I suggested to the Altimarians a possible solution to this situation.
   My idea proposal was this: that I would put out a call on my e-lists with an invitation for available Human women Star Seeds who would welcome dating outreach from a single available male Altimarian. And that it would be recognized that such outreach would be more in the telepathic order and/or on the astral plane, rather than likely involving physical visits (which could entail unacceptable security risks for both parties.)Here Boylan speaks of telepathic and astral meetings instead of physical. This is his attempt to play it safe.
   And that those Human Star Seed women who respond as willing and available for such companionship and dating of an Altimarian would have their reply relayed by me to the Altimarian communications officer on duty, who in turn could relay their openness-to- dating message to the other Altimarians. And thus a respective single male Altimarian could take it from there in terms of outreach to a Human woman of interest.
   One of the male Altimarians so interested, Riparian-Estuarial Botany Specialist Fred-1, thanked me for my thoughtful approach and believes that this will be respectfully and well received by all the Altimarians.
   There is no established guidebook for inter-species dating. We are in uncharted territory. But both potential companions come equipped with a heart.
   Any Human woman so interested needs to realize that the Altimarians are extremely intelligent, of a high energy, and come from a culture which prizes the ability of love to solve problems rather than violence and conflict.
   That said, there are undoubtedly many other cultural differences existing in members of a species hailing from an adjacent galaxy. Nevertheless, communication and understanding are possible, as the members of my Inner Team and I have repeatedly experienced.
   So, this call is put out for any single available Human woman Star Seed interested in outreach from a single Altimarian male scientist for purposes of companionship, dating, and possibly more, "Possibly more" suggests something beyond the astral realm, and "any single available Human woman Star Seed" did not specify age and was e-mailed to the Star Kids private group. to send me by private email their name, location, a very brief statement of why they wish such a dating experience, and a photo (jpg file) if possible. These will be forwarded to the Altimarians for their consideration.
Boylan makes bold accusations against the Cabal, but asking for names, locations and photos sounds like gathering information on anyone who is
naïve enough to e-mail him.
   My email address is: drboylan@sbcglobal. net      All replies will be treated confidentially.
   My advice to respondents is that they 1) be mindful that the Cabal might seek to exploit this situation by telepathic/psychic/ psychotronic intrusion trying to palm themselves off as an "Altimarian" , 2) use discernment to determine the energy signature of the individual whom they are dealing with, and 3) psychically shield themselves daily against becoming a target of Cabal intrusion attempts. Needless to say, this is a typical paranoia Boylan is accustomed to propagating in the minds of his group members.
   Thank you in advance for any Human women Star Seeds who find it consonant with themselves to respond to the invitation. Whether you receive outreach from an Altimarian or not, know that your outreach cheers them that they are indeed on a friendly planet.

    in the light,

    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Conclusion - You have to ask who are these Altrimarians? Are they real or something Boylan made up? If they are real, then are they aliens? Are they humans pretending to be aliens? Boylan says he is the one in contact with them. Given his prior conduct with female patients and his loss of his psychiatric license, you have to wonder what trick he has up his sleeve with this recent message. Boylans message targets females and it has sexual overtones. The most disturbing thing is he didn't only send this to his adult groups, he e-mailed his message to a group of minors and possibly small children. The sexual overtones of his message are inappropriate in that case.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Perhaps it's too late for us.

Dear people

As all of you know, I am a hard critic of the pathetic pseudo-ufology and it's eventual consequences for our planet and life.
However, I have no agenda. I do not suggest some alternative Utopia.
On the contrary, I am very pessimistic concerning the future.
In the 60's and 70's we used to call TV the idiot,s box, however, Humanity was not totally controlled by mechanisms of brainwashing and soul-vampirization, as Andrew says.
Let me tell you this: virtual reality is a hundred times worse than TV.
Why I say this?
Because of the  absolute lack of reaction from the people.
People's intelligence can be insulted. The greatest absurdities are digested by a mass of pathetic ex-humans who only know how to say yes sir.
In a masochistic orgy of stupidity they believe whatever the EXOS want them to believe.
Paradoxically, technology brought back to us the darkest age.
What can be done?
The only answer I can give is personal.
I will keep fighting for TRUTH against Charlatans, abusers, profiteers and disinformers.
Blending Logic and Humor I will keep fighting.
Although, probably it's too late.
Probably the human and in-human reptiles own the farm.
I cannot detect a human reaction proportional to the level of pathological lies in the Exopolitical and pseudo-ufological rhetoric.
Perhaps...perhaps it's too late for that reaction.

With true Love

James Black


Fwd: Enjoy this message from the Councilor of Earth.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:02 AM
Subject: Enjoy this message from the Councilor of Earth.


   This message is at once serious, joyful, and of modest cosmic significance.
   Please take it seriously if it applies to you and the messages resonates with you.
   As you will recall, 12 Altimarian scientist volunteers are working here on environmental remediation projects. The Altimarian team includes two women and ten men.
   The Altimarians are here likely for the duration of their lives. They deliberately were hybridized to survive in Earth conditions. As the experience with Altimarian commander Gene's hybridized son Max, (presently staying behind on Altimar) shows, their hybridized Altimarian-Human bodies are no longer adapted to live on Altimar without needing artificial-environm ent technological support.
   It is therefore not altogether surprising that one or other Altimarian may wish to have a "normal" romantic and sex life during their self-imposed "exile"-service on Earth, and to not be confined to celibacy for the duration. And a number of the male Altimarians are not finding a suitable life companion among the two female scientists who came here.
   One of them, Communications Officer Amanda, has a partner and is currently pregnant with triplets. (Her due date is approximately next May.) Further, recently Amanda was assaulted by a Cabal goon working for Wackenhut Security at a sensitive location in Nevada. She and her triplet fetuses are recovering satisfactorily from the taser attack but are on sick leave until she gives birth.
   The other female, Energy Clean-Up Specialist Mada's personal life situation is unknown to me, but at any rate she could not by herself meet the companionship and dating needs of the many male Altimarians.
   Therefore it is only natural that the male Altimarians might like to think of a potentially- broader pool of dating partners on Earth.
   We Humans need to do more to be responsive to the needs of Altimarians while in durational service here on behalf Humans and Gaia/Mother Earth/Unce Maka.
   I suggested to the Altimarians a possible solution to this situation.
   My idea proposal was this: that I would put out a call on my e-lists with an invitation for available Human women Star Seeds who would welcome dating outreach from a single available male Altimarian. And that it would be recognized that such outreach would be more in the telepathic order and/or on the astral plane, rather than likely involving physical visits (which could entail unacceptable security risks for both parties.)
   And that those Human Star Seed women who respond as willing and available for such companionship and dating of an Altimarian would have their reply relayed by me to the Altimarian communications officer on duty, who in turn could relay their openness-to- dating message to the other Altimarians. And thus a respective single male Altimarian could take it from there in terms of outreach to a Human woman of interest.
   One of the male Altimarians so interested, Riparian-Estuarial Botany Specialist Fred-1, thanked me for my thoughtful approach and believes that this will be respectfully and well received by all the Altimarians.
   There is no established guidebook for inter-species dating. We are in uncharted territory. But both potential companions come equipped with a heart.
   Any Human woman so interested needs to realize that the Altimarians are extremely intelligent, of a high energy, and come from a culture which prizes the ability of love to solve problems rather than violence and conflict.
   That said, there are undoubtedly many other cultural differences existing in members of a species hailing from an adjacent galaxy. Nevertheless, communication and understanding are possible, as the members of my Inner Team and I have repeatedly experienced.
   So, this call is put out for any single available Human woman Star Seed interested in outreach from a single Altimarian male scientist for purposes of companionship, dating, and possibly more, to send me by private email their name, location, a very brief statement of why they wish such a dating experience, and a photo (jpg file) if possible. These will be forwarded to the Altimarians for their consideration.
   My email address is: drboylan@sbcglobal. net      All replies will be treated confidentially.
   My advice to respondents is that they 1) be mindful that the Cabal might seek to exploit this situation by telepathic/psychic/ psychotronic intrusion trying to palm themselves off as an "Altimarian" , 2) use discernment to determine the energy signature of the individual whom they are dealing with, and 3) psychically shield themselves daily against becoming a target of Cabal intrusion attempts.
   Thank you in advance for any Human women Star Seeds who find it consonant with themselves to respond to the invitation. Whether you receive outreach from an Altimarian or not, know that your outreach cheers them that they are indeed on a friendly planet.

    in the light,

    Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dr. Boylan against Humanity.

Below you will find Boylan's post. See clearly what it means:
Every human spiritual leader becomes not-human . On the contrary, all of them including Jesus or Buddha, were gifts from the "superior star race".
This means that we Humans are inferior in every sense to the so called Star Nations.
Shall I create another neologism and call Boylan a EXONAZI?.
Indeed, because what he proposes is the servile human recognition of the cosmic masters..!


    For those who joined UFOFacts recently, and may lack the context for some of the recent discussion here, I offer the following hopefully-helpful context.
   The information that the Great Teachers are returning came from Star Nations.
   The great spiritual/moral teachers, such as Buddha, Zoroaster,Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus), Quan Yin, Lao Tse, etc., were Star People who incarnated on Earth as Human in order to teach and uplift the spiritual understanding and moral level of the society they incarnated into above its primitive then-existing level.
   Their teachings were all based on the same core of principles, the 11 Universal Laws and the 11 Spiritual Laws of the cosmos. See: http://www.drboylan .com/11.11laws. html
   Subsequent distortion of their teachings by self-important misguided "followers" is not the fault of the Star Visitor Incarnates. 
   Star Nations indicates that when they return, these Great Teachers will address the distortions and mistakes that have crept into what is presented as their teachings, and straighten it out, and re-present what they originally came to teach.
   All of this has been presented in earlier messages by me, and Wendi and Fran, on UFOFacts.
     in the light,
     Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd


Andrew Hennessey on Exopolitics and Cognitive Dissonance.

This is Andrew´s very important contribution to rational and humanist Ufology.



Decadence of Exopoliticians and Cosmic Gurus.

Dear people, I would like to share with you some observations about Internet groups decadence.
Some "important" groups like those of Salla and Boylan, have hundreds of members, but if we read the posts in UFOfacts or Prepare4Contact, we will learn something weird.
First of all, the interested members are very few, and these few are not always the same people.
The enthusiasm of true believers that proclaim their faith in Exos and Galactic Experts and Earth Councilors usually ends in a few days.
People who posted daily messages in those groups will literally disappear after a short time.
Also, several symptoms of decadence will be seen.

First, the posts decrease. Second, while the old believers loose interest, the owner-Guru looses control of the few posts. Third, the gurus themselves loose interest since the ($) factor reflects these decadence.
I think that several elements contribute with this crisis. We must consider the "nothing happens syndrome". The charlatans can repeat again and again that disclosure will happen soon, but of course, the same thing was repeated ad nauseam in the last 60 years and nothing happens.
Also, the promise of a contact with the aliens "soon" and the need of preparation for this contact, looses appeal because the so called "aliens" do not show any interest in that promised contact.
In this climax, is more and more difficult to sell the same rewritten books or convince the people to pay for listening some pathetic contactee or some snake oil seller.
We can see that the unfulfilled promises and total lack of evidences have a price to pay. Sooner or later, people see the lies, the meaningless absurdities, the nonsense.
Old group members will look for something better. New members will show some interest for a limited time.
I think that neo-cultists, charlatans and self-proclaimed Gurus cannot fight against this "nothing happens syndrome"

Love to all

James Black


Monday, November 23, 2009

2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End?

2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End?
Scenes from the upcoming film 2012. Courtesy Columbia Pictures. Scenes from the motion picture "2012." Courtesy Columbia Pictures. Remember the Y2K scare? It came and went without much of a whimper because of adequate planning and analysis of the situation. Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know. It will, however, be another winter solstice.

Much like Y2K, 2012 has been analyzed and the science of the end of the Earth thoroughly studied. Contrary to some of the common beliefs out there, the science behind the end of the world quickly unravels when pinned down to the 2012 timeline. Below, NASA Scientists answer several questions that we're frequently asked regarding 2012.


Where is the Planet X ? Andrew Hennessey suggestion.

Andrew writes:

so called 'planet X' its alleged effects are probably the chain of big machines in orbit above our heads -
simulated pole shift - like theatrical props ...

look out for the next alleged date of significance - 2020 or 2050

some scam for 2020 - maybe those ascending to zeta heaven will have 2020 vision on that day and see the zeta heaven full of salaami and jumbo sausages and bathing vats of green goo with robotic tapeworm cleaners in them [garry wood 1992] ...

watch out for 2020 from some repto ... its got a nice cultural ring to it - symmetrical numbers - easy to remember and has a snappy meaning about seeing things clearly - the 2020 vision of ascension ...

you heard it from andrew hennessey here first :)


Friday, November 20, 2009

Showing the tricks of Exopoliticians and other Cosmic Charlatans.

Just think about what Exopoliticians and charlatans are telling us, and you will find the same old tricks of the snake oil sellers.
Let me give you some examples.
They tell us that most people believe in UFOs, and then they talk about the inevitability of the Disclosure. 
Now, when you say that most people believe in UFOs, you are in no way proclaiming that people are worried about UFOs.
The truth is that most people do not care at all about UFOs.
UFOs belong to the popular culture. UFO are memes. 
I am not denying the real existence of Unidentified Flying Objects, but It is NOT TRUE that people is worried about these  "artifacts".
A small group of fans talking about the need of disclosure and the "people's pressure" are just writing and talking nonsense.
The truth is that people is worried about Economy, the Flu, the crisis, the Middle East Wars, and millions are worried about finding something to eat..!
We, you and me, care about UFOs but we are a few, just a few fans.
Now, the Government knows this, and knows that "disclosure" is not only impossible but more important unnecessary.
Nobody cares about disclosure. Only the profiteers of anxiety. They make a living on this, or better, they try to make a living. Things do not look good for the Cosmic New Agers Incarnated Mantis and Councilors of Earth.
Love you all

James Black


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Exopoliticians and charlatans disinformation.

This is important because it SHOWS the mechanisms of the charlatans' rhetoric.
We fund that these people constantly appeals to individuals like lawyers , (Basiago) to give testimony of pseudo-scientific "knowledge".  This logical fallacy is called Argumentum ad Verecundiam (see below please. Thanks for your interest in RATIONAL UFOLOGY.

I. Argumentum ad Verecundiam: (authority) the fallacy of appealing to the testimony of an authority outside his special field. Anyone can give opinions or advice; the fallacy only occurs when the reason for assenting to the conclusion is based on following the improper authority.

A. Occasionally, this argument is called the "argument from prestige" and is based on the belief that prestigious people cannot be wrong. In these cases, the fallacy is best termed the "snob appeal" variety of the ad populum.

B. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between the ad verecundiam and the ad populum (q.v., ad populum) when the authority cited is a group with status.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


They talk and talk and write and organize congresses. Yes, they have a lot to say, to "reveal". After all they are experts , yes it;s true. Experts they are in so many things.

These people know everything about cosmic laws, and quarantines imposed to our planet by  wise  but shy extraterrestrials.
Forget about science, and physics and astronomy and theology and logic and biology and planetary real conditions...these people know a lot:They are Exopoliticians , and Galactic Diplomats, and contactees and sergeants with full clearance. They will teach us about sharing our souls with aliens, lovely white tall aliens...kind of Nordics.
These experts were teleported to Ganimedes and Mars. Forget about NASA ...NASA belongs to the cabal.

These people are not only experts but Councilors of Earth named by our cosmic brothers.

No no, these aliens abduct people but call it Communion...close encounter. How nice.
And forget about Medicine, because these wise men know Bolivian and Croatian healers..! They teach us the Mayan wisdom, and talk about the subterranean cities under the Titicaca lake, and about the White Brotherhood.
God is now just the Source and the Source guides them.

Read their books and you will learn about Zetas and Pleiadeans and Orionidans and Lirans . Go to their Institutes and learn about the Galactic Legislation and the good brothers from the stars, the Stars'Nations. Ask the Earth Councilor and the Incarnated Mantis, the scarlet woman of the Councilor.for Earth. Dr Boylan.

Soon very soon , the Exos say, disclosure will ready for this. The aliens are in contact with them; the extraterrestrials teach us about the Bible, and Madame Blavatsky and New Age and Ascension and the Eon of Light and so many wonderful things..!

Old things indeed but so important. Things that are fundamental for our bright future, if we survive 2012...(the Mayans knew about this) Forget NASA and read what the old Mayans say.
Oh, and ask Basiago the Lawyer about cities in Mars and the Moon. Ask Webre about galactic legislation, and ask Salla about Eisenhower's meeting with ET's and about the galactic secret door that was the real motivation for the Iraq War.
A few $ can buy all this knowledge, believe me. These experts do NOT think we are illiterate idiots...on the contrary they appreciate our intelligence and our Faith in them.
Of course if you do not believe all this you are a Cabal, a psyop, a debunker, an agent of darkness and even worst things than these.

James Black


Monday, November 16, 2009

Exopolitics and the Disclosure Movement are an impractical and surreal failure.

Andrew Hennessey' s contribution

its clear to anyone that Exopolitics and the Disclosure Movement
are an impractical and surreal failure.
There is no indication from recent Government communique in the UK that there is any willingness to Disclose and surreal proclamations that Obama will welcome ET or V in a baseball stadium or whatever are as unlikely and as laughable as ever.

What makes it laughable is the joke circus attendant on a limited amount of facts in view.
With no endorsement from the Governments - there is no forward step towards truth and what little of Disclosure there is is flooded out with channelled nonsense and the proclamations of those under the delusion of 'omnipotence of thought'.

We should totally ditch the Disclosure Movement - the only thing it Discloses is the time, place and ticket price for its next circus meeting.

What should be our next step ???

As a native Scotsman I find it iresome to agree with one of our ex prime ministers who truly tore the guts out of Scottish industry and made us dependent on the anarchic Ukraine for our national energy supply - but Margaret Thatcher had it right - though for all the wrong reasons when she stated that 'you can't tell the people ...'

Maggie said that no doubt fully aware of all the lawsuits that would come about to the fiscal detriment of her multinational patrons .. but she is right for another reason ..

When you start delving into this idiom and actively look for those having a bad time from negative aliens ... you end up with the greys and the reptos doding about behind the theatrical props and the stage scenery of our dreams and our day time occupations.

If you tell the people that all this psycho surreal alien stuff is real and totally deliberate - you will disease their spirits and souls and make them even more liable to be harvested by the alien warders and soulminers ..
I suggest that you tell the people everything IF they want to know ..

but if they don't want to know - then ignorance of aliens is their best defence imo and that the greatest shield and strength they can have is the knowledge that the Love of Christ will supply them and protect them and ultimately call them home - easily overcoming the matrix droids that try to lock them down ...

what next after Disclosure ???? - gardening, exercise, good diet, zero television, zero exo net, drinking lots of water, prayer ....

andrew hennessey


Logical Fallacies that Exopoliticians, Hoaxers and Charlatans just love.

See link please, and bookmark it...



Saturday, November 14, 2009

Disclosure? No Way.

Thanks for this information, Andrew .

A Mod Spokesman said: "The MoD does not have any expertise or role in respect of UFOs or flying saucer matters or to the question of the existence of extra terrestrial life forms, about which we remain totally open minded.
"I should add that to date the MoD knows of no evidence which substantiates the existence of these alleged phenomena. The MoD examines any reports of unidentified flying objects it receives solely to establish whether what was seen might have some defence significance.

"Namely whether there is any evidence that the UK air space might have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised foreign military activity.

"Unless there is evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom from an external military source, and to date no UFO report has revealed such evidence, we do not attempt to identify the precise nature of each sighting reported to us.

"We believe that rational explanations such as aircraft lights or natural phenomena could be found for them if resources were diverted for this purpose but its not the function of the MoD to provide this kind of aerial identification service."



NASA:There is Water in the Moon.

A "significant amount" of frozen water has been found on the moon, the US space agency said Friday heralding a giant leap forward in space exploration and boosting hopes of a permanent lunar base.

Preliminary data from a dramatic experiment on the moon "indicates the mission successfully uncovered water in a permanently shadowed lunar crater," NASA said in a statement.

"The discovery opens a new chapter in our understanding of the moon," it added, as ecstatic scientists celebrated the landmark discovery.

"Yes indeed we found water and we did not find only a little bit but a significant amount," said Anthony Colaprete, project scientist and principal investigator for the 79-million-dollar LCROSS mission.

The data was found after NASA sent two spacecraft crashing into the lunar surface last month in a dramatic experiment to probe Earth's nearest neighbor for water.

One rocket slammed into the Cabeus crater, near the lunar southern pole, at around 5,600 miles (9,000 kilometers) per hour.

The rocket was followed four minutes later by a spacecraft equipped with cameras to record the impact which sent a huge plume of material billowing up from the bottom of the crater, untouched by sunlight for billions of years.

"In the 20 to 30 meter crater we found maybe about a dozen, at least, two-gallon buckets of water. This is an initial result," Colaprete told reporters.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Boylan tries to keep his sect under control.

We can learn a lot about sectarian tactics reading the pathetic message of the self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth. Of course, to keep control of the vocabulary, is not only an exercise in futility, but a clear attempt of mind control.
There are "good" words approved by this pathetic mythologist, and bad words created by the Evil Cabal. The world is divided between Boylan and a few believers, and the omnipotent Evil called the Cabal.
Again, the problem is not the silly paranoid scheme, but the people following this...if any.


    Orbs are conscious intelligent persons in energetic/light form. It is a delight to encounter one.
    It sounds like you are somewhat new to communicating on UFOFacts. We try to avoid certain terms often found on less-conscious webgroups. Let me use this occasion to remind everyone about our rules.
    We avoid the use of Cabal subtle psychological- warfare propaganda vocabulary here at UFOFacts (see: www.drboylan. com/cabal. html ) . It is desired on UFOFacts to avoid the vocabulary of the Cabal's disinformation propaganda, and their spin-meister propaganda semanticists. Negative and edgy vocabulary is Mind Kontrol Lite. Let's avoid it.
Thus, as Moderator, I request that the following subtly-negative/ off-putting terms be not used on UFOFacts:
- alien, ET- [use instead: "Star Visitor", "off-worlders" , "space entities", "starfolk", "Star Nations", star beings, etc];
- abduction [use: "encounter", "visit"; "close encounter", "CE-4", 'taken to a craft"];
- flying saucer [propeller-beanie vocabulary. instead use: "Star Visitor craft"; "UFO", "Visitor spacecraft", starcraft, etc.];
- Greys [space "Blacks"?? No designating people by skin tone, please!] [use: "Zeta Reticulans", "Zeta Visitors", "Zetas", etc.].
- Dracos (sic) [use: "Reptoid Visitors", "Reptilian Star Visitors"];
- extraterrestrial [(as a noun); [use instead: "Star Visitor", "the Visitors", "Star Nations", "star folk", etc ] Dakota Sioux Star Altar-Keeper Golden Eagle said that Star Nations did not want that psychologically- distancing term used].
- "Indigos", "Crystal children" [Use instead: Star Kids, honoring their accurate and complete identity.]
    Thank you for your cooperation in not subtly playing into the negative semantics of the Cover-Up's operatives. I know these terms have been inserted into the UFOlogy dialogue for decades. But it is never too late to clean up our language.
    Thanks, again.
    Dr. Richard Boylan, Moderator, UFOFacts

From: UFOFacts@yahoogroup [mailto:UFOFacts@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Virginia Bradley
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 2:36 PM
To: UFOFacts@yahoogroup
Subject: [UFOFacts] Orbs of Love>


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dr. Salla manipulates information as usual.

Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure.

Of course, Dr. Salla will twist any information to serve his little UFO- New Age Tourism business. Exopoliticians are Omniscient, and now we will enjoy Salla's Theology..! He is truly a Renaissance man.
"Dr Michael Salla will speak about the theological implications of extraterrestrial life. "

As Shol'va writes below, "these statements had anything to do with a (further claimed) 'imminent disclosure' is simply wishful thinking - presented without any proof or fact. You (Salla) create people-fooling circular references, when you try to back up newer claims by your own older (unproven) claims."


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Alfred Webre's last joke.

James Black says:
Webre and Basiago are having a good time jocking and laughing of us and of those who read this post.
The media is loosing two excellent comedians that deserve to be in Saturday Night Life.
If you think I am right, just laugh and enjoy. On the contrary if you are a serious person, understand that Alfred Webre believes that we are ignorants and idiots. (So does the Examiner)
November 11, 2:08 PM
More Exopolitical absurdities.



Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fwd: [RationalUFOLOGY] Re: THE FUTURE OF THE EXOS. (new contributions)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eli Sadhanusari <>
Date: Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: [RationalUFOLOGY] Re: THE FUTURE OF THE EXOS.


INDEED, and Andrew,s perspective which is also mine, shows the creation as the work of the Demiurge or Demigorgon.
I think that any intelligent person will see this sooner or later. The Creation as essentially Evil. Yes Andrew, Gnosticism, what else?
As Baudelaire said : an oasis of HORROR in a desert of BOREDOM.

love to all of you people.

Eli Sadhanusari

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 11:31 AM, scottishatlantis <> wrote:

my perspective on it is that institutions like nation state governments operate by schizophrenic principles - on the one hand there are these alleged reasonable agendas that have some form and shape and human credibility - but that the main operators of such processes could well be taking their real non-human orders from the big reptile behind the meat counter at the local walmart.

all of the stuff we think about as human society isn't.

instead you have aranking order of predation and predators whose main task is to operate and manage the human livestock/prisoners maintaining herd control and successfully introducing psychological and physical and technological and politcal and social and spiritual disease ... for as I have said in http://www.xenopolitics ... I'm pretty sure that planet earth is one of at least 100 similar such places that operate as lifeforce restaurants - serving up the lifeforce of freshly squeezed humans .. who have their nervous systems wrung out by first outrageous contradictions and distress and then the outpouring of their self vindication as their prana flows

along the lines of bob dylans ballad of a thin man ...


--- In, James Black <FSO2604@...> wrote:
> *Andrew writes:*

> the exos will continue to actively do nothing.
> theirs is an exercise to crush hope and to disease expectation ... their is
> a repto-grey harvesting strategy.
> their vision of disclosure is somewhat akin to a nazi tormetor pouring out a
> cup of water out of reach of its victim.
> there is no end result - the game is ongoing psychological disease -
> exopolitics is an anti-population weapon that uses cognitive dissonance.
> meantime wake up and smell the chemtrails
> andrew
> *Let me tell you something more.
> *True, but there are also tactics they use. One of them is the* humanization
> * of the presumably alien entities. For the EXOcharlatans, the aliens are
> just like us. The are anthropoids, they believe and think like we do. These
> entities are presented like brothers, friends, ready to communicate with us
> as teachers, guides, you name it.
> This humanization is *totally unjustified by the non-human behaviour. *
> On the contrary they are *abusive,* *detached*, and of course* do not show
> any interest in having open contact with us and never did.
> *The so called disclosure is nothing but an attempt to keep the clients
> interested, *anxious *and generous ($)
> The whole idea of the disclosure is fallacious and futile. If the presence
> of alien visitors is hypotetical, as the cosmic gurus recognize, obviously
> the disclosure is more than hypothetical since it´s possible that there is
> nothing to disclose.
> Those who talk a lot about disclosure should tell us what is to disclose.
> What is this knowledge they keep secret.
> I can assure you that this secret is IGNORANCE. The gov. doesn´t know what´s
> going on. There is no contact with any extraterrestrial ENTITY at all.
> What they keep secret is their own VULNERABILITY. They cannot and will not
> recognize this vulnerability.
> --





Friday, November 6, 2009

Future of the Exopolitical myth and the fallacy of disclosure

Andrew writes:
the exos will continue to actively do nothing.
theirs is an exercise to crush hope and to disease expectation ... their is a repto-grey harvesting strategy.
their vision of disclosure is somewhat akin to a nazi tormetor pouring out a cup of water out of reach of its victim.
there is no end result - the game is ongoing psychological disease - exopolitics is an anti-population weapon that uses cognitive dissonance.
meantime wake up and smell the chemtrails


Let me tell you something more.

True, but there are also tactics they use. One of them is the humanization of the presumably alien entities. For the EXOcharlatans, the aliens are just like us. The are anthropoids, they believe and think like we do. These entities are presented like brothers, friends, ready to communicate with us as teachers, guides, you name it.
This humanization is totally unjustified by the non-human behaviour.
On the contrary they are abusive, detached, and of course do not show any interest in having open contact with us and never did.
The so called disclosure is nothing but an attempt to keep the clients interested, anxious and generous ($)
The whole idea of the disclosure is fallacious and futile. If the presence of alien visitors is hypotetical, as the cosmic gurus recognize, obviously the disclosure is more than hypothetical since it´s possible that there is nothing to disclose.
Those who talk a lot about disclosure should tell us what is to disclose. What is this knowledge they keep secret.
I can assure you that this secret is IGNORANCE. The gov. doesn´t know what´s going on. There is no contact with any extraterrestrial ENTITY at all.
What they keep secret is their own VULNERABILITY. They cannot and will not recognize this vulnerability.



This is important. What Blue says and perhaps my own perspective.
Please read and comment if you feel like doing so.

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Blue UFO <> wrote:
  Everyone else is wrong except us - we alone have the truth.... if you can't believe exactly as we teach you to believe then you must be some part of some conspiracy (or several conspiracies)
Again, as I wrote several months ago: Jim Jones, Heavens Gate, etc etc..
Let's just hope the exos don't go the route the other cults did when the spaceship or the "god" did not appear on schedule.

my answer to this good friend

NO, not all. Most EXOS will eventually look for some other source of money. They will go into NEW age, Reiki, weight control , divination or religion. It always work like this.
A few however, probably are sick enough, and will go into the suicidal cult.
THAT IS WHY we must me aware of their proclamations and behaviour.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

From Andrew: News about Disclosure..!

This is the MAGNIFICENT CONTRIBUTION OF His Majesty, Andrew Hennessey the First

Yes but my sources say that Disclosure is going to happen in Christmas 2009 because the elves gnomes and goblins that help santa choose who is naughty and who is nice are going to come to town disguised as space aliens - producing bags of toys from their energy to matter generators aboard their sled-like UFOs.
My insider source from the UNITED B [united biscuits] says that Mars bars made on mars will be getting teleported straight into walmart and they will be a very special kind of mars bar - because all the other mars bars will be abducted - and these will be hybrid replacement mars bars.
Obama when asked if he and his administration was going to steal the white-collar-ticket-for-the-masses brief from the old tony blair marketing team said 'yes we can' ...
whilst arnie scwhartzenegger is opening up new revenue earners for californians that include:

the Running Man, Roller Ball, Death Race 2010 and Escape from LA and may be seen reprising his role as ambassador to the incoming Borg ships last seen by the admiral of the US Space Navy.

Meantime as far as alien disclosure is concerned Obamas team were heard to say ... things can only get better ...
Colonel Zig from Space navy command reports that the ambassador to earth from the saurian system prefers his ship like the inside of a sauna - and naturally Colonel Zig referred him to DR Boylan who has field experience in Intel and soap operas.

??????????????????? endless




A source told me that another source, (a Sargent) know from other sources that Halloween was the D DAY-
Obama thought that in Halloween, the impact of the aliens natural look would be more...well, you understand, with all due respect to ETs .
Podesta (CIA), suggested that the aliens could even try the trick-o-trick producing a friendly environment for the disclosure.
HOWEVER, yes, of course the CABAL put pressure on the White House and the disclosure was suspended.
These reliable sources of mine told me that now we have a DATE. Disclosure will happen on Halloween of 2010.
By the way, two journalists teleported to an alien base in the moon recently saved by Dr. Boylan from the NASA bomb confirmed these breaking news.
Also we knew that Dr. Salla have now a very friendly personal contact with the Subterranean or subaquatic cities of Titicaca, and with the WHITE brotherhood recently moved to Bolivia.
This is fantastic, because Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, will soon disclose the secrets of these subterranean cities, Atlantida, the White Brotherhood, and Mayan Healers.

From  Argentina with LOVE



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