Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The History of Ufology in a few words.

I am old enough to know how the recycling works. Every exo-generation repeats the same things, plus a few novelties they saw in TV or Cinema.
This happens because there is always a fresh  generation of "believers".
In the seventies, Men in Black were visiting everybody. After some time MIB disappeared.
The new exos repeat the same things again and again...Roswell, Adamski, The faked New Age messages.
The UFO phenomenon itself doesn't change. Just a few lights in the sky. Same old.
After some time, the EXOS rhetoric becomes exhausted. Hopes unfulfilled, no Disclosure (because there is nothing to disclose.)
At this point, some Exos invent cults, others look for a new job, but a new generation is ready for the recycling.
But...what happens with the UFO Phenomenon?
It looks like some Non-Human entities provided with an advanced technology are doing their thing.
In other words the Farm Theory.
These "aliens" are not here to help us or 'guide " us.
They never gave us NOTHING. They will never do.
The pathetic Exo-circus repeats again and again his bad, poor show...
This is, in a few words, the "history " of Ufology.



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Ufology, Exopolitics, Conspiracies, Paranoia, Memes, Hoaxes, 2012, UFO, Aliens, Disinformation, Cultism, Brainwashing, Rational Thinking, ET, Xenopolitics, Contactees, Abductions, Disclosure.
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