entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem,
"Occam's Razor"
Ufology, Chaos Theory, Conspiracies, Memes, Hoaxes, Ufology, Disinformation, Misinformation, Cultism, Exopolitics, Brainwashing, Deconstructive and Semiotic Analysis, Science, ET, Contactees, Cover-up, Disclosure ,Mythology. Cognitive Disssonance, UFPO and Insanity, Abductions, Pareidolia, Whistle-blowers,Channeled messages
Mutant Memes in U.F.O. subculture-Tomas Scolarici
As we wrote previously, the UFO subculture leaders fight against an apparently invincible enemy: the Nothing Happens Syndrome.
Usually the professional ufologists and self-promoters are forced to confront this total lack of events if they want to keep the believers interested in the UFO-are-extraterrestrial hypothesis.
The self proclaimed Exopoliticians, contactees, Councilors of Earth, time-travelers and Experts in Universal Legislation have indeed some basic rhetorical instruments to perform this trick.
Let me give you some samples:
The Cover-Up myth is one of these instruments for the preservation of the ET mythology.
IF there is a massive conspiracy for keeping the ET-UFO secret, the UFO mythologist can say and write absolutely what he/she wants. If evidences are demanded, he will evade the demand making the Cover Up responsible for the lack of evidences.
Obviously, is someone asks for evidences about the Cover Up itself, they will either call you a debunker in a blatant ad hominem fallacy, or they will close the discussion adducing that because of the cover up, there are no evidences of the cover-up.
However, this giant cover up will give the UFO=ET mythologist new possibilities of deception. They will create imaginary whistle-blowers keeping the true believers convinced that the cover up is a fact.
However, the Contactees and UFO pundits must give the impression that they know the truth about the extraterrestrial presence in our planet.
For this, they will produce massive rhetorical nonsense presented as truth, and utilize the advice of the Infamous Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels: "If you repeat a lie one hundred times, that lie will become true..."
The presumed meeting of President Eisenhower with Extraterrestrials is a good example of this:
Dr. Michael Salla claims that President Eisenhower "met with two ETs with white hair, pale blue eyes and colorless lips," referred by alien enthusiasts as "Nordics."
He told the Washington Post that "The "Nordics" offered to share their superior technology and their spiritual wisdom with Ike if he would agree to eliminate America's nuclear weapons." Salla says the President declined the offer. He also told to his interviewer that President Eisenhower had agreed with another race of aliens that they could take livestock and humans with them for the purposes of experiments. He estimated that those aliens had taken "millions" of humans.
Michael Salla admitted to the Washington Post that the evidence supporting his claims about the existence of aliens was found by him "on the internet."
The absolute absence of evidences was not an obstacle for the Eisenhower-Aliens Meme. If you read posts or messages from some UFO fans, you will find that they talk about this pseudo-event with a total acceptance. The lie repeated one hundred times becomes true.
But I want to talk about those mutant memes, because this phenomenon shows the power of the Nothing Happens Syndrome.
First the obvious: the aliens are invisible. 94 % of the Unidentified Flying Objects are in fact identified as natural phenomena or man-made artifacts. The other 6% in any way is confirmation of intelligent extraterrestrial crafts. That 6 % remains unidentified.
However the Exo-mythologists imposed the irrational identification UFO = Extraterrestrial Crafts.
Not even this falsification is enough. The good aliens coming here to help us, becomes soon unbelievable. We must be complete ignorant to believe that this advanced visitors come just to whisper in the ear of contactees the well known blend of New Age rhetoric and Sunday Morning Religion.
Here we have the rationale of the mutation. It becomes necessary to create bad aliens and powerful ones, and our Exopoliticians created the imaginary military-alien-industrial complex.
Thanks to this inexistent organization, Exopoliticians and other Irrational fantasists will be able to write non-sense, describe secret wars between good and bad aliens, and justify the absence of evidence and keep the UFO subculture alive.
However this mutant memes produce contradictory statements that show clearly that Exofantasists contradict themselves each one have his own mythology. This is obviously the evidence that all of them are talking about imaginary entities that have nothing to do with the real world.
The spectacle becomes pathetic when Richard Boylan, self proclaimed Councilor of Earth, denies what Alfred Webre, expert in Universal Government Legislation says. Both will soon fight against Michael Salla who teaches Galactic Diplomacy.
But…are we talking about adults here? Yes, these fantasists selling the most ridiculous fiction as fact are adults.
Motivations? We can suggest some: The Ego Trip in border-line personalities that crave for some "popularity" is a motivation. Commercialism is the second one, with individuals trying to make a living selling these fictions. Personally, I do not believe in any deliberate manipulation of disinformation.
Of course, in some cases we must consider Insanity.
What will be the future of Irrational Ufology?. I think that Ufology will become religion.
Why? Because religion works through faith, not reason.
The inexistent ET will become also inexistent gods or angels. UFO fantasists will become the preachers of the new Religion.
Doubts and questions, of course, will become sins.
More important, the real thing, the coming will be a promise, as the Second Coming of Christ.
UFO fans will pray and wait just wait. Perhaps Salla, Webre, Boylan and Greer will write a new Sacred Book; the ET Bible.
We, rational ufologists, will be condemned as heretics.
Tomas Scolarici
UFOFacts] the official Deadline for the U.S. Government to make an Official Public Acknowledgment of Star Visitor Contact
DrBoylan <drboylan@sbcglobal.net>
To: UFOFacts@yahoogroups.com; DrRichBoylanReports@yahoogroups.com; StarKidsHangout@yahoogroups.com
Dec. 31, 2010, 11:59 pm, EST, [05:00 hrs., Jan. 1, 2011, Greenwich Mean Time/UTC/Zulu], is the official Deadline for the U.S. Government to make a formal Official Public Acknowledgment that Star Visitor Contact and Communication has occurred.
Preparation for this public information announcement was the subject of an official Executive Order (classified) signed by President Barack Obama, directing the National Security Council's Special Studies Group to prepare a plan for such a series of Official Government Public Acknowledgments of Star Visitor Contacts and Communications with U.S. Government representatives.
The U.S. Government is preparing to do this pursuant to a formal Agreement made with Star Nations: that the U.S. would stop its policy of UFO Cover-Up this year.
Of course such a public announcement could occur any time prior to December 31st too.
Star Nations, through its representative the Councillor of Earth (Dr. Richard Boylan), have advised the Government that if they renage on complying with that Agreement, that Star Nations will initiate a series of open, public, dramatically-obvious demonstrations-of-presence such that the Government will then be compelled to publicly acknowledge Star Visitors reality.
in service to Source,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Councillor of/for Earth
Richard Boylan, the self-proclaimed Councilor of Earth, insists in finding "secrets" and conspiracies.
As usual in the rarified world of the UFO=ET subculture, the man who lost his therapeutic licenses for abuses to female patients,( http://www.ufowatchdog.com/richard_boylan.htm) tries to "poison the well", a well known fallacy, with his aggressive rhetoric.
Since nothing happens and the Star Nations remain inside the imagination of Dr Hot Tube, he promises now some big events in 2017..! . He writes: "After this year it will be more of a lightworkers' mopping-up operation of the Cabal remnants. And by the end of 2016 the Cabal will be essentially finished. Come 2017, everyone stock a bottle of champagne. We'll have something to toast!"
Of course the ET never come to the appointment. In other words, the fans will be waiting a few years more…
As some will remember when I addresses that bogus "White House statement"(sic) a number of weeks ago, it actually came from a Cabal infiltrator within some low-level office that does interface between a (Cabal-infiltrated) intelligence office and the White House, and not from the White House itself.
Thus that part of the Yahoo reporter's story is incorrect.
At most, that statement was some low-level government office employee's opinion, (although we know he was Cabal-tasked to put out that disinforming propaganda as "fact".)
One of the Cabal's standard "proofs" that "there are no 'aliens' here" is the enormous distances between stars.
Such "proof" is absurd, because the frequent presence of Star Visitors here (some for centuries, as for example, the Saami, and the Tall Whites) ipso facto establishes that intelligent life can travel from other stars to Earth. Because it has.
Our primitive science is starting to understand how some star civilizations may conduct such travel.
For example by "jumping" through hyperspace, by taking "short-cuts" utilizing worm-holes, or by riding gravity waves (which travel many thousands of times the speed of light.)
So, let's not let that little tempest-in-a-teapot Yahoo sidebar distract from President Obama's very telling statement: "'I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extraterrestrials, but I can tell you if there had been a top-secret meeting and if there would have had to have been a discussion about it, it would have taken place in this room.'"
Carefully parsed, what his statement implies are the following:
- Obama cannot deny that Star Visitors exist; [especially since he's an Experiencer. :-) ]
- Any discussion about "extraterrestrials" is top secret. Such a high security designation is not affixed to talk about the theoretical existence of intelligent life in some far-off corner of the galaxy.
- White House discussion about Star Visitors [such as briefing reports from the National Security Council's Special Studies Group designated to deal with Star Visitor relations] are so sensitive that they only take place in the super-secure Situation Room beneath the White House.
When you peel apart the President's carefully-chosen words, he has said quite a mouthful."
in the light,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC